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Toilets Sanitation and Waste

Toilets Sanitation and Waste: EnablingWhat is it? Shits and encouraginggiggles! usSeriously, Sanitation and Waste may not have the most glamorous name but it’s a vital part of any rebellion and often has a great team of people who have as much of a laugh as anyone else, and are always hugely appreciated by everyone.

The Sanitation and Waste team will ensure that everyone has access to producea toilet, to safe drinking water, and that the site is left in as littlepristine wastea condition as weit can,was re-cyclefound - or often better.


If I want to do Sanitation and Waste for a specific Action what skills or training do I need? No specific skills or training are needed.

Check List for Sanitation and Waste for a specific Action:

  • Where are the nearest public toilets to your action? If there are no public toilets near by is there a cafe or pub that would be happy for people to use the toilet? Often agreements can be made with local businesses which benefit all parties and are a great opportunity for outreach.
  • Check any toilets that you have identified as weuseable goare also accessible. -If there are no toilets available you may need to provide your own, either using a portable system or hiring toilets, this will depend on who you are catering for.
  • If you are hiring toilets you need to think about how many people will need to use them and keephow rebellionlong sitesthey clean.will Workingbe toavailable for. Hire companies can often help you figure out how many units you may need.
  • Will people have access to clean waterdrinking andwater? toiletsAre as needed. Typically XR don’t providethere facilities buton attendeesor willnear wantthe themsite? soLocal checkcafe’s whereor theypubs arethat locally


    Handlingrefill sanitationbottles? &Drinking wastefountains? forWhen majortapping eventsinto iswater ansources important task! We don'tthat have thenot resourcesbeen agreed to dealextreme withcare many thousands of people’s worth of waste, so are asking participants to minimise the waste produced.

    Ways to help:

    • Please take all your rubbish away with you
    • If you can, bring your own food supply
    • Bring a reusable water bottle, cutlery and an eating tub
    • Use public loos where possible. There willmust be 'loos of last resort' and accessible loos, but wanttaken to ensure theseit is clean safe drinking water.
    • Do any of your groups on site require access to water? Sustenance team? Art blockers?
    • How much waste will you be generating? It’s always best to find ways to produce less waste before trying to organise dealing with waste.
    • How will you collect waste in a hygienic way? XR has a large number of pink litter pickers made for the big one which are availablestored in the warehouse in London and can be leant out to any action.
    • Make sure all waste is sorted for thoseresponsible withdisposal. greatestHow needwill you remove waste from site? Can you use waste disposal systems already in place for the location you are at?
    • SeeXR are known for leaving sites cleaner than they have found them - let’s keep this up!

    Help and Support if you have any questions about Sanitation and Waste please contact the Amenitiesproduction &team Sustenanceat: forwe detailsare onloos (including accessibility details where known), water sources and other useful info

  • Be preparedhappy to volunteerhelp tovia tidyemail, uparrange ata thechat endor ofzoom eachmeeting day.
  • or
lend support as needed.

Join the Sanitation &and Waste teamTeam -We noare experiencealways islooking necessary.for new members to join our friendly team. We are spread across London and the regions and are keen to build a production network across the UK. When the time comes for the next big rebellion we want to connect production world build crews across the UK to work together on a decentralised plan involving all regions. Signup here to get involved or connect up from your area.