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Welcome to the Rebel Toolkit!

The resources to support Extinction Rebellion
A place to share the creative work of all Rebels

Start here: Supporting XR® if you are new to XR or the Toolkit.
To learn how to add new resources go here: Help Using This Toolkit®.

This toolkit is for any Rebel to share original work.
Using the toolkit will:
Connect UK rebels - Demonstrate our creativity - Require no permission!

Please help yourself to any of the resources, they are all freely available! (**)
The organisation of this toolkit is like a library, with Shelves, Books, Chapters and Pages.
Using the Search box above will search all of them.
A few items here are curated by the UK Communities Circle they have this icon: ®.

The Rebel Toolkit also contains a few official manuals, like the book Online Tools for Communicating with Other Rebels which is the documentation for the Hub, Cloud, UK Forum and Mattermost. And the documentation for Action Network (email list management).

Quick Start - click Shelves at the top of any page. The numbered shelves broadly reflect the Rebel Journey in XR, & other shelves that have been newly added.

Can't find a shelf? - We've agreed to keep the number of shelves to ten.
Two of the old shelves Organising a Rebellion and Remote Rebels have gone - their contents are already on other shelves - but they can still be accessed as a tagged set: [Organising a Rebellion] and [Remote Rebels] these two links go straight to the tag search.

Add your own Resources - see the book About The Rebel Toolkit for instructions for contributors. You will need an account on the Communications Hub.

The Shelves: 1-10

1. Supporting XR®
The things you need to know about XR.
- Beginning active XR support.
- An XR glossary of terms.
- eMail addresses for major Working/Affinity/Regional/Local XR Groups.
- Comms Hub - Cloud inc. Library - Forums - Mattermost.

2. Group Building
Organise & maintain your group:
Local Groups, Affinity Groups & Working Groups.

- Guides for organisers on how to begin & maintain a group. Outreach. Risk Management. Self-Organising System.
- Guides for individual rebels on how they can get involved & prepare for Rebellion (Rebel Starter Pack and Rebel Next Steps Pack).

3. Community Building®
Building your group:
Engaging with your local community.

- growing & developing a resilient, robust & innovative team.
- Learn from other groups who've built & connected with local & other communities!
- Strategy Assembly reports, Do or Die Workshop.

5. Talks & Trainings
Inspire & prepare your group to take action & support each other.
- How to request & design courses in your local area.
- Find out what trainings are given across the movement.
- Heading for Extinction talk.

6. Art
Find the images, how to guides, & inspiration behind XR's destinctive look.
- Get creative on the streets, on-line, on clothing & so much more.
- Take a deep dive into XR's creative processes.
- Find posters, stencils, flyers, badges & so much more!

7. Publicity
The more people that know about your actions & events... the better!
- Use the media, speak directly to supporters, make best use of resources.
- What other groups are doing to promote their events & message their actions!

8. Politics & Beyond!
We must talk to traditional political structures as well as beyond them.
- At Local & Regional level, getting politicians & councilors involved will be effective.
- How are groups engaging politically from lobbying MPs to bringing participatory democracy to the people!

9. Wellbeing
This work is hard:
We must look out for each other & build the culture we wish for.

- Prepare yourself before an action, & develop the personal resilience necessary.
- Make plans to maintain your equilibrium throughout your action.
- Learn how rebels caring for each other within their groups builds a positive future!

10. Help Using This Toolkit®
Get started using this Toolkit.
- Share your own resources & experiences to help build this resource!
- Find out about this web site & other sources of information.
- Learn how to use this toolkit, how to add, edit, & update resources.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, need a new shelf or book created, or want to join our team, there are 3 ways to contact us.

If you have an Extinction Rebellion HUB login you can contact us through Mattermost OR the Forums.

  1. On Mattermost, the Rebel Toolkit Reception channel in the UK Team
  2. On UK Forums, the Rebel Toolkit Reception forum
  3. If you don't have a HUB login, contact us by eMail at:

We are always looking for people who are passionate about sharing with and learning from each other to join us - if that's you, get in touch!

(**) Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a do-it-together movement. All our design and artwork can be used non-commercially for the purpose of planet saving. This does not mean creating merchandise for fundraising or sending XR a percentage of your sales. We do not endorse or create any merchandise and we will pursue and prosecute anyone who does. The Extinction Symbol was designed in 2011 by street artist ESP, who loans XR usage on the same basis:

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