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Contacting MPs

Guidance for writing to your MP including example letters.

It's best to write a personalised one rather than copy and pasting.

Find your MPs contact details here.

Here's a list of all MP email addresses in one place.

Sending an email is great, but posting a letter is even better. You can download a copy of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill from

Be polite and to the point, letting them know:

  • Who you are and whether you have been in touch before
  • Your home address and email address (to show you live in their constituency and ensure they get back)
  • Why the climate and ecological emergency is so important to you.
  • Why you think they should support the CEE Bill. This might be because passing the CEE Bill ensures that:
    • our entire carbon footprint is taken into account (including all of the emissions linked to the production and transport of goods from overseas that we consume in the UK
    • we don’t depend on technology (NETs) to save the day as an excuse for inaction
    • we focus on nature as much as climate, protecting and conserving habitats in the UK and internationally on supply chains
    • citizens are central to deciding how to move forward, in a Citizens’ Assembly with real teeth

Do inform Political Circle of any responses you receive by getting in touch:

Below are some examples of letters written to MPs.

  • 1 - Example email replying to an MP who simply stated the bill should not have been a presentation bill, and that there is time to see what happens before it is due to be heard.

Dear Mr Burghart,

The science is clear. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is clear. Putting it into somewhat colourful language: the world is maxing out on its CO2 credit card and leaving it to future generations to pick up the escalating bill.

This country made commitments through the UN Paris Agreement to act to limit our CO2 production in order to make our contribution to keeping the rise in global temperature to below 2 degrees C, with an aim at below 1.5 degrees C. We agreed on the need for us to move faster than some other countries.

We are not meeting those commitments.

A Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill will be introduced to Parliament with the aim for us to live up to our commitments and to limit the damage to the world and to future generations of runaway climate heating.

I urge you to endorse and support this bill.

In making your decision on your support for this bill I ask you to: look beyond the horizon of the current government, look beyond the horizon of your career as a conservative MP, and look to the horizon of what the world will be like to live in for your children and their children, and so on. Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to hearing from you that you will support this bill.

Yours sincerely


  • 2 Example email: Extreme weather, Crabon footprint and example of action taken in anews article.

Dear James Cleverly MP,

I write to ask you to support the CEE bill, I am one of your constituents..... and have been in contact with you about several matters during your time as my MP. We are consuming way too many resources for what the planet can provide and we are seeing the effects of global warming and more extreme weather in August along with 37 degrees for several days and now cold weather and rain for the bank holiday. I could list far more devastating impacts of how our western culture has wiped out species and habitats, but it’s too painful to provide examples, we need action on rectifying the damage. If we do not act with more swift and directed action we will be eaten up by nature. Therefore, I am asking you to support the CEE Bill, which includes passing the CEE Bill to ensure that:

Our entire carbon footprint is taken into account, including all of the emissions linked to the production and transport of goods from overseas that we consume in the UK. We don’t depend on technology (also known as NETs) to save the day as an excuse for inaction. We focus on nature as much as climate, protecting and conserving habitats in the UK and internationally on supply chains. Citizens are central to deciding how to move forward, in a Citizen's Assembly with real teeth.

I was so happy to read this newsletter (, filled with good news and real action on ways to help solve this crisis and restore faith in your party. But sadly you are not in it. When will you be?

Thanks and Regards


  • 3 Example to Conservative MPs

Dear Mr Howell,

It is vitally important that you support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, written in close partnership with, and backed by prominent scientists, lawyers and academics. This is a hugely important issue in the Henley constituency and many of us are extremely worried that nowhere near enough is being done about the increasing climate crisis. We need your support for the Bill. Your various additional governmental positions increase your ability to go down in history as helping create the change that we need and want.

The Bill will ensure the UK delivers the serious, emergency plan vital to do everything needed to halt critical rises in global temperatures and the subsequent increased devastating consequences, that we are already sadly witnessing globally, including in our constituency. The CEE bill would mean that the UK would have to take responsibility for its entire carbon footprint as well as actively conserving and restoring the natural world, and promoting green economic growth that is fully compatible with capitalism, as well as reducing the cost of the NHS by improving the population’s health. It will ensure the Government acts with urgency - as well as involving people from all walks of life in the process via a Citizens’ Assembly.

A new Alliance has launched to advance the Bill, backed by prominent scientists, lawyers, academics and activists including those who led the successful Climate Change Act campaign in 2008, as well as increasing numbers of MPs. Are you willing to represent Henley constituency by supporting the Bill? Plans are being made to introduce the Bill as soon as possible. If you do want to find out more information or support the bill you can get in touch with the CEE Bill Campaign at, and/or see for further details.

Thank you for your time. Please research the facts and then support this vital bill. Sincerely,

  • 4 Second example to Conservative MPs: Dear ZZZ,

It is incredibly vital that you look into and support the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill, contributed to by leading economists, climate and environmental scientists, lawyers and academics. This issue is hugely important to Henley constituency, with key information from leading scientists around the world as well as the University of Oxford. We are facing the 6th mass extinction including loss of species within our own constituency. Flooding has started to cause trouble in the area, as has ill-health from the air pollution, food insecurity from chaotic climate, and this is just the beginning if we do not act now. We need you to support the CEE Bill. You have held such a variety of governmental positions, which increases your ability to go down in history as someone prepared to do what is needed.

The CEE Bill will ensure the UK delivers a serious, emergency plan vital to do everything needed to halt critical rises in global temperatures and the subsequent increased devastating consequences that we are already sadly witnessing across the world and even in our own constituency.

The CEE bill would mean that the UK would finally take responsibility for our actual carbon footprint as well as actively conserving and restoring the natural world that we all get so much from, and relied upon during the pandemic. The bill would promote green economic growth that would allow us to rebuild our economy in a way that is fully compatible with true capitalism and conservative principles, as well as reducing the cost of the NHS by improving the population’s health. It will ensure that this and future Governments acts with the necessary urgency - as well as involving people from all walks of life using a Citizens’ Assembly that is informed by scientists, health professionals and economists.

An increasing number of MPs are backing this bill. Are you willing to do the same?

If you wish to find out more please kindly get in touch with the CEE Bill Campaign at, and/or see for further details.

Please research the facts and then support this vital bill on our behalf.



  • 5 Example email replying to an MP who simply stated the bill should not have been a presentation bill, and that there is time to see what happens before it is due to be heard:

Dear ZZZ

Thank you for your reply. I am confused that your reply focuses on the method used to raise the CEE bill, since presentation bills can, as I am sure you know, be taken up by government and moved forward quickly into law (e.g. the Protection of Birds (Amendment) Bill). The 2008 Climate Change Act, was also a presentation bill, and although it took longer to become law it was such a success it was copied around the world; surely the Conservative party would like such recognition too!

The content of the CEE bill and the increased quantity of scientific and economic understanding of the climate crisis surely show that we cannot let the presentation method of a bill dictate its success and speed. The wealth of research and opinions from leading academics, economists, scientists and big-business leaders arguing that delivering net zero carbon is an “environmental necessity and an economic opportunity” leading to a “stronger, more resilient economy” surely should not go ignored! Many business leaders have stated in the May 2020 essay collection “Delivering Net Zero”, that the government “can show real leadership” on this issue (this specific quote is from the CEO of Heathrow).

The government have made promises, but does not seem to be taking this issue as seriously as required and it is behind on numerous self-set target, most specifically shown by the economic “boosts” chosen during this pandemic that are mainly polar opposite to the “green recovery” shown to be necessary by economists and academics alike. Economic reports (such as from the Smiths School) as well as guides from the CFRF and Bank of England clearly show the climate change poses significant financial risks that increase the longer we dally on this vital issue. This is also at a time when there are increasing links between the climate crisis and pandemics. The CEE bill could help avoid another health and economic crash such as we are currently experiencing.

I notice that your email does not suggest whether you support the bill either in the whole or in part. Are there elements of the bill that you do support and could push to be included in government strategy? What are you doing as the representative for our constituency to address this urgent crisis? The CEE bill is still in development, and you could contribute greatly to make it successful and achieve the necessary goals.

Thank you for yourtime, I look forward to hearing back from you,
