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Follow up information for people who have completed the NVDA course

N.B. To use thisThis information is for you shouldif ideallyyou have attended one of the twice monthly online version of the NVDA talk.

We will have referred to follow up information at key stages in the session.

Hello Rebels!

Thank you so much for coming to the Non Violent Direct Action training. It is one of the foundations that you need to be a part of XR and we hope that you found it informative and thought provoking.

As promised, here is a list of all the information mentioned throughout the training, plus some more resources.

We mentioned in the training session that this is a very comprehensive resource; please take your time working through it. Or you can find the element that intrigues you and dive right in.

Training Material:Material.

Slides for participants- to follow...

Script Sections for Participants- to follow...

Here’s what we aim to do in XR UK in 2023

Our strategy


For information on campaigns, events, local groups, community groups and resources

Sign up here for the latest XR news

Just scroll down to the bottom of the page of any of the links above to receivesign up to our email newsletter.

We often use Telegram which is a phone and desktop app. To download the Telegram app - go to either the App Store (iPhones) or the Play store (Androids) and search for Telegram, download it and create your account. You will then be able to click on the links below and join the suggested groups.

For questions and chatting to other new rebels - a quick way to get involved in XR

For key UK-wide messages on actions and rebellions. Rebellion Broadcast

For key UK-wide messages on talks, training & workshops, and internal information.

If you want to rebel online.

Affinity GroupsGroups.

What are Affinity Groups, how do they work and how do I join one? AG's make XR - get yourself into one!

Look out for a workshop on your regional channels or check out this doc on how to get one set up.?????

Affinity Group intro video: shared in the session.

Key readingreading.

How Things ChangeChange- Keyrecomended reading,reading texts, videos and resources.   Check out the Earth First! Direct Action Manual for articlesvideos and adviceresources on

how to perform certain types of direct action.  

Extended non-cooperation.   Want to learn more about taking things further? Check out this briefing doc about non- disruption


Extinction Rebellion’s relationship with policepolice.


Find out about the UK legal risks and implications of protests from informed dissent and green and black cross

For Scotland see SCALP

Further talks, training & workshops mentioned in the session.

Please visit the XR UK Website Events page to find talks and training sessions.

Talks and trainings may also be provided by local groups as well as nationally by XR UK.groups. They are advertised in many places online so keep an eye on XR Regional websites and XR Facebook pages. There areis also a number of versionstraining on YouTube.YouTube

If you cannot make it to any of the zoom sessions check out our Rebellion Academy for on-demand, interactive content on everything to do with XR.

Know Your Rights. This video has been developed by people with a background in the law and related to the new Public Order Act 2023 . It is essential watching for anyone taking part in an action, whether or not they plan to risk arrest.  You can watch it in sections and there are links to written resources. 


For training reflecting the law in Scotland.Scotland see SCALP above..

When online Q & A sessions or Legal Briefings are organised, they are usually advertised on XR UK Events page (see link above).


Important - please note the video linked above reflects the changes brought about when the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act came into being in June 2022.

De-escalation training. Non-violence is one of the core principles of XR and being able to de-escalate situations and maintain non-violent protests is essential. Check out the Facebook page for upcoming events or the XR UK Website Events page (see link above).


Oppression, movement building and our relationship as activists. (OMBRA). This is an online, interactive workshop exploring how movements can be divided when oppression is not addressed. It offers practical tools to heal these divisions when they affect our relationships as activists.


Self-Organising System. In XR we use a Self-Organising Systems (SOS)approach. It allows us to co-ordinate at any scale in a highly organised way without anyone being in charge. It also allows us to be autonomous while remaining accountable and not taking power over others. It is designed to survive the upheavals of changing circumstances and government intervention. How does SOS work? How are decisions made? Keep an eye on the XR UK Website Events page (see link above) or your regional channels for SOS workshops. 

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for choosing to rebel with us, and we hope to see you on the streets sometime soon.


We wish you well on your rebel journey.

In love and rage

The NVDA team