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Behaviour and Good Practice Guide

Etiquette and Standards for Posts

When posting messages (anywhere) online pleasewe remember:recommend that contributors:

  • be respectful -- people are different -- we all have strengths and weaknesses and different backgrounds - find out about them.

  • Useuse 'I' statements.

  • Practicepractice compassion by putting yourselfthemselves in others' shoes.

When using the chat channels and forums, we ask all contributors to have care for the community, offering a harassment-free space for all to participate, embracing our unique differences. We cultivate this respect for each other, both within project spaces and in the wider public arena when we represent the XR community.

Positive Behaviours

  • UsingUse welcoming and inclusive language
  • BeingBe respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
  • BeingBe willing to engage with feedback (constructive criticism)
  • FocusingFocus on what might most be in service of the community as a whole
  • CultivatingCultivate curiosity and an empathic awareness towards other community members

Negative Behaviours

  • We do not tolerateAvoid sexism, racism, classism, etc.
  • Be aware that We all have things to learn and we will inevitably get things wrong, so avoid making assumptions and be open to listening and learning, if you are challenged about something.
  • PublicDo not employ harassment, either public or privateprivate. harassmentThis includingincludes trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks, are not tolerated.attacks
  • We doDo not publish others' private information without explicit permission
  • Avoid conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.

ThisModeration documentby Group Admins (Tech Champs)

The responsibility for maintaining good behaviour falls to all of us. If we find any post that strays from the accepted guidelines, it's up to us to feed back our concerns directly. Clearly we should containbe so-calledsensitive with any language, but, as our regenerative statement says:"good practices"[we have] cultures of respect and listening, in which people deal with conflicts when they arise, feeding back quickly and talking about disagreements and issues without blaming and shaming." If you find a post that weneeds wantmoderation, Groupreply Admins/Tech Championsdirectly to Forand example:explain why you find it unacceptable and suggest, to the poster, a potentially more acceptable way of making their point, if that is possible. If the post requires removal, then remove it but leave an explanation of why you felt removal was necessary.

Encourage Good practices (WIP)

  • When to use @all and @channel
  • Switching to forums for longer-form conversations