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NOTE: This Strategy has been replaced at the end of February 2024 by the new Actions Strategy- Pathway to Rebellion. This resource will be maintained for a little while for those who need it but will eventually be moved to the archive.

Extinction Rebellion was born in 2018 with a single clear mission - to bring so many people onto the streets for so long that the government has no choice but to radically transform a system that threatens to kill us all.

The Big One was a triumph. It proved we can mobilise 100,000 people around the very heart of power to demand the change that we urgently need to survive the climate and ecological crisis. In the critical election year of 2024, the mother of all mass mobilisations will be what XR was born to do: bring all those people and more back on to the streets. And this time we won't go home until a broken political system hands us, the people, the power to save ourselves.

Every month. Everywhere.

Why are we taking action on the last Saturday of the month, every month?

Think Greta, striking every Friday, building the impact slowly, giving opportunities for others to notice, to join, to unite. Monthly XR action days across the country, synchronised for impact, building community bases of power everywhere.

You’ve always got a date to recruit for. There are always jobs for new rebels to do. It’s a new pace - say yes to new ideas (you can always come back to old ones); learn fast and grow. This is how rebellion starts.

Before / Preparation
  • Get together with your local group to plan how you’re going to begin. Connect with your regional or national anchor circle or gardener for support by looking on the Local Group map here.
  • Connect with other community groups (eg. churches, mosques, faith centres, universities, WI groups, local Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, parties and union branches etc. etc.) and ask them to work together on the plan. Check out the Local Alliance Building Guidance.
  • Consider your local issues - think of what actions would resonate and inspire people locally. It doesn’t need to be a Big One - think of building your impact over time, working together - don’t burn out! Food is good, public interaction, and a clear action that local people will care about! There are loads of great ideas and teams on hand to help. Connect with UK Actions Circle - and look at some ready-to-go action designs.
  • Think about aligning with the Community Assembly Escalation Plan.
  • How are you going to talk about it? Get advice on messaging here. Make a poster & tell everyone about it.
  • Add your event to the movement calendar it will automatically be added to the Actions Map on the website! Share the event on social media, email and your local, regional or national broadcast (if you have one) with a clear start time and location.
  • Contact local media including radio stations and local papers. Write your press release.
  • Divide up roles: make sure you know who is making and bringing what: flyers, tables, banners, flags, PA - and who is taking it away again.
  • Think about fundraising. If you need a budget for your action, contact your region or nation who may be able to help.
During / On the day
  • Welcome. Make sure someone is there to meet people with a flag!
  • Document your action! Take landscape photos and share your content with the Live Action Content Telegram (include your group and what the action is!).
  • Be interactive! Think about interviews with people or surveying people about local issues.
  • Recruit! Recruit people to join the next action and the local group. Plan to grow together.
After / Before the next one!
  • Follow up with your alliances, make sure they feel some love (you want them to do it again, right!)
  • Debrief everyone involved. Reflect on what you can learn for next time. Change how you work, be like water.
  • Rest and rejuvenate.
  • Share any press mentions on your social media and to your region or nation - we all want to celebrate what you’ve achieved!
  • Get ready to do it again next month!

Open Call on 25th June 2023

This new action strategy is entirely focused on bringing that exciting vision closer to reality - by empowering and supporting every rebel to grow our amazing movement into an unstoppable force.