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Integrator Resources and Support


The youUK anIntegration Integrator?


orhas thinkingmerged aboutwith becomingthe one...


YouPathway haveteam, comebut we are still here to thesupport right place!you!


Integrator havetraining:

  • Come anto Integratorone of our informal Weekly drop-in meetingSupport Sessions Mon 11-11.45am
  • One a month the session above will instead be a live training on zoom (message us for anyonethe whodate hasof questions,the commentsnext orone.)
  • thoughts
  • (Coming theysoon) wantIntegrator training on the Rebellion Academy

Peer support:

part of

Contact the welcomeRebel processPathway within XR.


  • Message us directly on Mattermost: HereRebel isPathway (inc Integration) Reception
  • For support on using the linkVolunteer toWebsite, ourplease Mattermostemail Forumus 'Integratorat: Support'
  • so that we can provide support for Integrators at any level/team across XR UK. In the header of Integration Support, you will find the Zoom link to the Integrator drop-in meeting every Monday 11-11.45am - bring your questions on
  • For anything from how to use the volunteer website to how to help your new Rebels settle in.

To get onto Mattermost, you just need an invite to the XR Communications Hub from the Tech Champion of your team. So make sure that happens as soon as possible so that you can start following what's going on! And check out the Mattermost Training on the Rebellion Academy.

Mattermost is our main platform for communication
On here, you can find channels for various groups across the organisation and you can directly message any rebel if you know their handle. We use Mattermost for chat, short conversations, questions and cat gifs. Mattermost connects us across the globe!

Join us - we look forward to meeting you.