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Citizens' Assembly on Water

The ultimate goal of Dirty Water Wave 6 is to arrive together at this point. In the face of government inertia, the Citizens’ Assembly is the ideal mechanism to deliver a reset for water provision. It cuts across all social divisions to bring a representative group of citizens together to make informed decisions that are proven to mirror wider public opinion. The people can take ownership of the solution. It sets a precedent for returning agency in swathes of public life, currently controlled by unaccountable quangos or local monopolies. And it will build public support for the Third Demand, the Citizens' Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice.

The focus of the Citizens' Assembly on Water will be on the implementation of effective governance structures and regulatory mechanisms to work in alignment with the needs of people and nature.

Citizens will chose between water being used as a profit making commodity, in the current management model, and all other possible ways of delivering supply, conservation, management, recycling. It is a natural resource and belongs to us all.

We must achieve the continuous publication and free access to all water quality and pollution data. These are our right.

The Proposal for the Citizens' Assembly on Water
nb - details here will change as we organise the Water Assembly coalition

See an Assembly at work - America in One Room

This is a Guardian graphic showing the ownership structures of English water companies:

UK Water Ownership.jpg