For anyone with access needs or volunteers planning XR events and actions.
Action Network for XR
XRUK's mailing system containing separate 'email lists' for Nations & Regions, Local Groups, Campaigns, Volunteers, Talks and T...
Action Planning
Before, During and After an Action - what do you need to think about when planning your action
Action Support
Volunteer roles to support actions : stewarding, well-being, protest liaison, production, outreach and more!
Arrestee and Legal Support
Citizens' Assemblies
XR's central demand is a Citizens' Assembly for Climate and Ecological Justice, because party politics alone can’t give us the ...
Community Alliance Building
Resources for helping Local Groups to build alliances with community groups in their area.
Community Assemblies
Community Assemblies provide a way for people to organise locally and to experience the power of deliberative democracy to make...
Cut the Ties Campaign
Ongoing campaign targeting companies that underpin the fossil fuel industry, including lawyers, insurers, banks, engineers and ...
Design Programme, fonts, logos, woodblock images, colours. Leaflet and poster designs.
Design Ideas for Actions
Creative and practical elements to add to your action designs. These elements can be used in actions focusing on a variety of i...
Design, Develop and Deliver Training
Directory of Talks and Training
Find details about Talks and Training that are run regularly here. Recordings of previous trainings can be found at the bot...
Dirty Water
Dive in! Take direct action to demand clean water: - Climate change and nature loss should inform planning nationally and loca...
Explore XR
This book is for anyone who's joined a Get Involved session and wants to explore XR further
Feedback and Learning
Collation of movement-wide surveys and feedback from specific actions
Finance and Fundraising
Guidance for local group, regions and nations on all things financial.