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The Checklist

Before You Start

○ Is everybody in the discussion aware of Extinction Rebellion's 'Values and Principles'?

○ Is there a wide array of disabled voices in the discussion space, reflecting the diversity of the movement?

○ Is there sufficient time in the planning agenda for specifically hearing those voices?

○ Have you remembered that some disabilities are hidden and should still be heard?


Transport to the VenueSite

○ If you're arranging group transport to the venue, is the transport accessible to all members of the group?

○ Is there accessible parking sufficiently close to the venue?

The Site

○ Is the site on one level or does the site have ramp or lift access?

○ Is the ground even?

○ Have you made rebels aware of the ground quality such as surface type, quality, wetness.

○ Do you have a safety plan that includes evacuation and care for disabled rebels?

○ Have you made the doorway width known to rebels before the event date?

○ Is there sufficient seating?

○ Is the layout of the space reconfigurable to allow the free movement of those with mobility issues?imparements?

○ Is the layout of any staging or speaking area visable by those in wheelchairs?

○ Can you designate spaces at the front of a crowd for those who need to sit?

○ Is the lighting bright and even to accomodate people with visual imparements?

○ Are there accessible toilets for all genders? Consider hand rails, safety alarms, turning space, lights within reach.

○ Is the site accommodating to service animals?

○ Do you need to go scent free?

○ Are there quiet spaces that rebels can access?

Do you need access officers on site? Are they clearly identifiable?


Have you considered how you will deliver materials to those with visual and/or auditory imparements?

Is a BSL or other sign language translator required?

Is a public address (PA) system necessary?

Are microphones available for all speakers?

Civil Disobedience and Direct Actions

○ Is there direct involvement of disabled rebels in action planning?

○ Are everyone's needs met in the discussion?

○ Are there safety concerns that need to be recognised and planned for? State actors such as the MET police have been shown to act with malice toward disabled rebels.

○ Can an inaccessible action be adapted?

○ If not, are there other options available that are similar and as non-exclusive as possible? Do the other options still value a rebel's comittment to civil disobedience? Do the other options satisfy the needs of the people involved? Is it equally social, regenerative, disruptive?

○ Is Arrestee support aware of disabled rebels engaging in civil disobedience and direct action?


○ Are you prepared to recieve feedback emotionally?

○ Have you got a method for feedback to be collected and stored?

○ Have you got a system in place to review the feedback?

○ How are you going to act on the feedback?

○ Have you shared the feedback on the Rebel Toolkit?