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Things to consider when planning an Action

Give yourself time. At least a month plan- ning, preferably. This is especially important for nourishing a regenerative culture. It also allows you to sit with ideas and reflect and develop them without rushing into things

This is not an exhaustive list but covers the main headings it will be useful to think about before reaching out for help
Type of Action

Spicy/Family friendly, Press/Media impact, Creative, March, Rally, Occupation


It is best to tell everyone what you are doing – there is huge power in telling the govern- ment, the police and the media where you will be and when, and then doing it. This is an act of pure defiance. We are too many to stop. We are reclaiming our power. It is also respectful to give members of the public /city transport management due warning of disruption so they can choose to not drive their car/take another route. Recognize important routes where access needs to be clear for emergency vehicles. We aim to disrupt, but not to harm.

There may be different levels of OPENNESS in the planning of an action and within parts of an action:
* COMPLETELY OPEN All parts advertised on social media, best for mass-mobilisation * COMBINATION OF OPEN AND CLOSED This is the main model used in XR – a hybrid of the effective elements of mass mobilisation and high disruption. Actions are openly advertised ( e.g a mass rally out- side Parliament) with certain parts that are co-ordinated secretly by Affinity Groups (e.g like the location of particular roadblocks.) CLOSED All aspects hidden due to need for surprise. Rebels take closer care with their secure communication channels. We recommend this for high risk actions. Please consider seriously the potential for public backlash and ask for feedback from other trusted rebels/ contact the national Media and Messaging team for advice on a channel through