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Things to consider before you start

TheStart How-Tosimple


If you are new to action planning, don’t try to run before you can walk. Start with something simple, or get some experience helping another more experienced action planner out with their action planning effectivefirst.


Bounce it around

AWhen usefulyou booklethave althoughan idea for an action, it’s a fewgood years old nowidea to givebounce it around with some trusted rebels to thosesee thinkingif they agree it’s worth exploring. It helps to have another perspective and can get the creative juices flowing. If they like the idea, there’s a chance they’ll jump on board and help you plan it. In reality for most actions you can’t do it alone, so build a small team to start with and then grow it as you need to. Speak to your local group or community/affinity group

Give yourself time

At least a month for planning, preferably, and more for larger or more complex actions. This is especially important for nourishing a regenerative culture. It also allows you to sit with ideas and reflect and develop them without rushing into things. Bear in mind though, that the run up to actions generally requires more time than you anticipate. So think about theirtime first actions

Rebel Agreement

All rebels participatingmanagement in actionsthe shoulddays before an action. And make sure you have agreedtime afterward to theget Rebelsome Agreement beforehandregen.