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Do's and don'ts for talking about citizens' assemblies

This advice is based on research done for a number of democracy organisations including XR. You can find more detail in Reforming the political system - A Messaging Guide

Do say: Don’t say: Why?
Politics/ political system Democracy/democratic Democracy has positive connotations for many people, whereas politics does not. The root cause of our problem is the system, not the politicians.
Who will do right by us Who will make the best decision "Best decision" makes us consider qualifications and competence - that decisions should be left to politicians and elites. "Who will do right by us" implies honesty, sincerity, and who has our best interests at heart. Politicians can’t compete with the public as trust in politicians is so low.
We have a right to contribute to decisions The public are shut out of decisions Many people say that the opportunity to vote, lobby your MP and stand for election are examples of how ordinary people take part in politics. However, elections are only every few years and we could contribute more.
We, us The public/ they We are the public! Don’t separate our interests and experiences from those of the public.
People like us “People like us” is a sticky phrase that people recall.
Teachers, doctors, scientists, shopkeepers. People from different walks of life Specifying these groups of people reminds us that we already trust people from our communities with important decisions.
We all have an equal chance of being selected Citizens' assemblies mirror the population in terms of things like gender, race, age and class.
Like a jury. Random selection "Random selection tends to cue “randoms” i.e. odd, untrustworthy people. In comparison, a jury is understood and trusted by the public.
Not representative Not elected Emphasising the importance elections can reduce support for (unelected) citizens being more involved in decision making. Furthermore it suggests politicians are “more democratic” in comparison, subtly reinforcing the legitimacy of the current electoral system that appointed them.
The system is old fashioned/Victorian The system/democracy is broken People have some pride in the UK's democratic history. They don’t agree that democracy is broken and needs fixing. However, they agree that there is plenty of room for improvement to make it fit the 21st century. Talking about updating or upgrading also makes it clear that the system is designed by human beings and can be changed.
needs updating / upgrading democracy is broken/needs fixing
Real democracy, democracy for the people by the people Democracy fit for purpose people don’t want to get rid of our system