Community Building Alliances Resource List
Here are the resources for building alliances. Please add any resources you feel others will find useful (you need a Hub account to upload - if you don't know what that is, please contact Ned on 07949 069730 and she will add for you).
Also, keep visiting this page as the list will continue to grow.
Community Alliance Telegram group chat
Check this spreadsheet for Groups already contacted - this spreadsheet will be populated by the potential allies form entries.
Form to fill in for Potential Allies
The Confirmed Allies form is important, so please complete it!
Form to fill in for Confirmed Allies
Local Relationship Planning guidelines
Community Alliance Building Training video (14th Dec 2022) on YouTube
These are resources provided by XR Oxford
Oxford Together on Climate Change Facebook
We Need a Plan Twitter - @WeNeedAPlanOxon
Instagram: @oxtog4climate
Relationship/Power Mapping
Alighnment Mapping Grid (to download - select the image below, right click on it, Save As)