Escalation Plan
Community Assemblies are part of a bigger plan for Extinction Rebellion. ThisCommunity isAssemblies could be a strategy through which we escalate (particularly our 3rd Demand) from local assemblies, all the way up to Westminster.
Remember, that this is horses for courses. Your local organisers may wish to hold an assembly on a topic important to them, which may or may not have the aim of making recommendations to your local or regional authority. Your group will want to decide in advance which outcomes your want to achieve when deciding your topic for deliberation.
The escalation potentially begins from organising our local Community Assemblies,Assemblies throughwhich are aimed at applying pressure on local / regional politicians. So for instance, if your local authority is will not support your community in the following ways, you may consider occupying uncooperative local or unitary Authorities, where local groups can get sufficient support from allies.
Extinction Rebellion's strategic aim is to achieve a tipping point of local support that pushes the conversation about a Citizen's Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice, ultimately to reach Westminster ears. This can only come from the grassroots,grassroots, i.e. usus, the people.
We know our political systems are broken. Imagine a proven planmethod of decision making to make sure the interests of people and nature are taken into careful considerationconsideration, in all decisions. Imagine decision making where no one is left behind and we transition together, collaboratively to a healthier, fairer society. Mobilising and empowering local people at the grassroots is the starting point...
XR's vision is that over coming months, dozens of government and authority buildings willcould be occupied all over the country, with the simple demand to follow the recommendations of their local community assembly on important issues.
WeOf wrotecourse, ayour local or regional authority might already be an agreement to implement recommendations from assemblies... It's already starting to happen. (See Case Studies). If your decision making authorities are not on board yet:
Check out our 2 page introducer of how your Escalation Plan could happen in 5 steps to guide you to make
thisyour 'people power' vision a reality where you live and work. Read XR's Escalation Plan Overview -
SeeWatch XR's Community Assembly Escalation Plan slideshow -
View 'Introduction to the
Plan.Plan'YouTube October 2023recording of our Open Call from October 2023
If you are not sure about where the opendecision call
If you have any questions on any of the above,choices of direction you face, or just need to bounce ideas around, please contact your regional/national Gardener, who supports local groups, or email