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Why Run Community Assemblies?

A community assembly is local people hearing, deliberating & deciding about local issues that affect community lives everyday.

The current political system is failing to take the actions we need.

It’s time to decide for ourselves, together!

It'Let's now time to bring deliberative democracy into our communities!communities to show them the power of deciding together!

By organising local Community Assemblies, we can…

Grow our local networks by continuing to build local alliances and do outreach;

Keep up the pressure on local politicians, local and unitary authorities;

Spread the word about deliberative democracy and empower people in the process;

Start a local campaign or project in collaboration with other groups sharing a common concern.

Ready to co-create a beautiful bonding experience in your community with allies? Check out Community Assembly Resources

We’d love to know if you are planning a Community Assembly in your local area so that we can support you with any questions, expert advice and possibly facilitation. Please fill in this Community Assembly Form to let us know about your assembly and to get yours on the map

We also offer a weekly drop in at 3pm Fridays to ask questions and share experience. Pop in

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