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Why Run Community Assemblies?


OneThanks thing is for sure,to The Big One, mademany oneof thingour crystalsupporter clear:


signed Democracyup into thisa countrydemand isfor notcitizens' working!assemblies for the first time ever.

We did our shouting outside Parliament. We handed in green cards in to speak to our MP’sMPs. inWe person.pressurised them online via our Digital Rebellion have kept the pressure up online. Many of our allies agree that our so-called Democracy needs an upgrade.

Our third demand is for a Citizens Assembly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency, but to drive home the importance of deliberative democracy to crowd-source answers on questions we all face. We need to walk the talk and demonstrate the power of assemblies for social change.Rebellion.

WeIt's neednow time to bring thisdeliberative way of inclusive decision making homedemocracy into our communities!

It is time to demonstrate our value as citizens and communities.

Community Assemblies (also called 'People's Assemblies') help us step into new ways of learning and doing by collective consent. The Big DIY Assembly proved how much people enjoy feeling empowered to explore new ideas and reach shared conclusions.

As we go through organising an assembly in our own locality, bringing in new voices, we will build support for calling for our Third Demand, as well as our collective power for creating change.

Participation in Community Assemblies will empower local people to feel confident and capable to create real and lasting change. Just as important participation in inclusive decision making will also open new conversations about what a national Citizen’s Assembly for the Climate and Ecological Emergency could mean for how we get more control over decisions made about our collective future and the survival of our mind-blowing diversity on this beautiful planet.

By organising local Community Assemblies, we can…

Grow our local networks by continuing to build local alliances and do outreach in new ways;outreach;

Keep up the pressure on local politicians;

Spread the word about deliberative democracy and empower people in the process to become more active where they are;process;

Start a local campaign or project in collaboration with other groups or communities.

… Improve understanding of the campaign for a Citizens’ Assembly at UK wide levelgroups.

Would like to hear some sheer inspiration from Jamie Kelsey Fry, talking about upgrading democracy through deliberation at The Big One? Enjoy...

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