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Aims and Introduction 1 Guidance Notes for Trainers 2 Zoom How To Guide | Publicising Your Event 2 How To Publicise Your Training  3 How to admit trainees from Waiting Room / How to unlock it 4 How to split screen to see participants and information e.g. your script 4 How to screen share. 4 How to create break-out rooms for Check-ins 5 How to create break-out rooms for Speaker Practise if they wish to choose a buddy. 6 IMPORTANT - Preparation Before Your Training Session 6 SCRIPT FOR TRAINING SESSION: online and in-person 7 WELCOME and HOUSEKEEPING 7 Access 7 Communication Points 8 Hand Signals 10 In Person 11 CHECK-INS 11 Regen Statement: 11 Training Aims and Content 11 WHY TRAIN SPEAKERS? 12 ADVANCE PLANNING 13 1.Scripts and Guidance Notes 13 2. Warm Up Exercises 14 PRACTICAL RUN THROUGH OF TALK 15 GUIDANCE NOTES FOR SPEAKERS 16 CHECKOUTS WITH TRAINEE SPEAKERS 17 EMPHASISE importance of FEEDBACK 17 [Optional] And finally, 17