Housekeeping [Access & Inclusion]
XR meetings are run rather differently, due to our cultureculture, and ideally all sessions ought to begin with Housekeeping - an explanation of meetings culture. If this is not possible, e.g. for reasons of timing, the points should be clearly displayed on a slide, or posted in chat, for everyone to read. Having said that, the access/inclusivity points ought to be dealt with by the presenter.
AccessBe sure that participants are clear about the duration of the session, approximate break time[s] and if there is an additional Q&A.
Be sure thatif participants aredon’t clear about the duration of the session, approximate break time[s] and if there is an additional Q&A.
Always give the option for participants to indicate their requirements inhave a directcamera. message in chat and make sure they knowExplain how to use it.the Reactions button for hand signals - one hand for question or comment and thumb up for Yay!/OK!
Safe space
- Explain that we do not consume any alcohol or drugs during a session and eating should please be done off camera.
- Ask if anyone prefers not to see people smoking or vaping to please
advise,advise you, again via personal message ifpreferred,preferred.andIftheyanyonewilldoesbeadviseaskedyou,toaskgothat this activity is also done off camera.
Hand Signals [once on RT add link to good diagram]
Explain or show on a slide the basic hand signals to use during your session. You may not need them all, depending e.g. on the subject of your session or if its to experienced rebels
- Raise one finger (query or comment)
- Wavy hands (I agree - also see 'Temperature
checkCheck' below for unsure/disagree) - C for clarification
- T for Technical
-(e.g. ‘this is for anyone who has a technical issue so we can addressyouitimmediately’)immediately) - Two hands forming a circle (please round-up what you are saying)
Temperature check - to gauge feeling of participantsparticipants-
- wavy hands up [BSL for cheering]
, - hands flat as if on a table [not sure, don't mind]
- hands pointing downwards [no, diaagree]
This is the middlefull andAccessibility pointingGuide downwards)written Checkby ifour participantsDisabled don’tRebels haveNetwork
a camera. Explain using the Reactions button for hand signals - one hand for general help/Q and thumb up for Yay!/OK!ADD