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Canary in the coalmine

canary 2.PNG


Canary costumes have been used as attention grabbing props in lots of protests, although they are obviously the most directly linked to actions targeting coal mining.

Ways to make the action more attention grabbing include:

  • Play canary song through a loadPA ofsystem
  • Add fake coal into the setup in some way
  • Use black flares
  • Design a performance where the canaries similarsing methodand tothen owl template / dressdie, as human canary make a giant canary gather with groups associated with clean air / end fossil fuels etc - play canary birdtheir song - make some fake coal carry on site in sacks - people in black suits throw coal in front of canaries - let off black smoke flare - canaries fall to the ground as a die - birdsong fades to silence.silence
  • Can
be used for end fossil fuels outside specific associated locations.