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Wake up, Rise up / Sounding the Alarm

Raising the alarm on climate emergency (could be expanded for a March/protest or next rebellion)


  • Rebels gather outside at specific time and location dressed in nightware , pyjamas, nighties, dressing gowns, night caps, etc carrying alarm clocks.
  • Accompanied
  • Carry by Placardsplacards painted with alarm clocks (wakey wakey) and eyes ( open and closed/ awake/ asleep)
  • on
  • At sticks 👁️ (easy to make and painted on cardboard or flags printed with XR eyes block) ata specific time the alarm clocks will be wound up and ring sounding the alarm for people to wake up to climate crisiscrisis.
  • reminding them to Rise.

  • Action can be repeated over and over throthroughout a Marchmarch or at a static location
  • -

This type of protest has a long and colourful history and has was used at a large scale by XR's Deep Water campaign during their Call the Alarm action in the run up to COP 26.


To add a slightly spicier element choose a location where this action might be disruptive, eg. Government or council offices, outside theyour 🌶️🌶️🌶️local forBBC office etc.

You can also add louder and more spiceeye choosecatching moreelements Spiceysuch location eg 10 downing st / gov offices / council offices/ bbc etc and addas domestic smoke alarmsalarms, /smokeflares ringingand/or bells etc and smoke bombs to suggest house/ planet on fire followed bya die in. Live Music /Sound track related to sleeping