Ceremony | Water is Life

Word Cloud created from The Symbolism Of Fish: Exploring Different Cultures And Meanings
Create a Water Ceremony
Throughout history, we have always held ceremonies and rituals. They are our means of celebrating, marking moments, or making sense of the world we experience. For example, events such as naming ceremonies, funerals and unions (marriages), or more frequently, a football match or gig, are all a form of ritual where we share our feelings. Ceremonies have a more sacred element and gentle nature, theyThey can include performance and express a sense of mourning or appreciation. Ceremonies are sacred. They are powerful.
Water is sacred in many cultures. Water is fundamental to life. Wherever clean water flows, life grows. Water represents emotions, renewal and life, which all ebb and flow. Constantly evolving, ebbing and flowing, it reminds us that we can too.
How can you connect with your emotions to truly embody water in this ceremony?
What Can a Water Ceremony Bring?
Ceremony brings people into a deeper connection with water, which can be moving and uplifting. It can bring a deeper dimension to an action, so you can better:
- Create an emotional connection with your local water bodies.
- Connect with the emotions you feel to drive change. Preserve them as your source of hope.
- Continuous outreach - engage your community in devising
theand publicising your ceremony,publicise your ceremony and finallythen invite the wider publicintoto your event. - Develop and strengthen relationships with other groups.
- Build a common community purpose.
- Influence local authorities and regulatory organisations.
- Bring people to your Community Assembly.
- Raise awareness and promote a Citizens' Assembly on Water.
Ideas and Assets to Create Your Ceremony
We have created outreach materials for you to promote your ceremony. You can use the editable versions of the leaflets to add your text, QR codes and date/place of
Download Stickers | posters | flyers

Fresh water is precious and finite | All life depends on it
Our waterways are the arteries and veins of the earth. If we pollute those waterways, life will die.
“Nothing on this planet had so forcefully hammered into her the ultimate value of water. Not the water-sellers, nor the dried skins of the natives ... Here there was a substance more precious than all others - it was life itself and entwined all around with symbolism and ritual.” - Frank Herbert, Dune
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” W H Auden, First Things First
- We are 60% water, our brains 80%
- In mineral composition, the water in our cells is comparable to seawater
- Our need for, use of and accommodations with water defines us
- Water dominates our perception of our planet and ourselves
The Power of Celebrating Water
Connection through water, with nature and each otherother, fosters well-being, through a regenerative and healing relationship, encouraging the flow and exchange of energy and knowledge:knowledge. Consider making more of an impact by following some of these suggestions:
CultivateActively cultivate a sense of curiosity/care/communication/collaboration through creative interactions with the river (e.g. song, music, poetry,art)arts and crafts workshops or installations).- Demonstrate vulnerability: create an impactful ceremony to demonstrate your anger, grief and sadness at the state of our waterways and your love for all life.
- Explore: physically get to know your local waters (the source, wells and tributaries) to engage with and care for your local waterway.
- Research: look at wider connections, the history of the local waters and collect local stories and images.
- Consider
theyour catchment area, sewage treatment works, landfills and other sources of pollution.
Somecan Inspirationyou &bring Ideas
awareness - of
Engageallothertheriver/waterdifferentuserssources of pollution tobuildthisa community of custodianswaterway?LeadPresence:walks,Beclearpresentlitter/blockagesConsider joining awater testing groupOfferScience Street Talkto other groups, share researchPost on social media highlighting local pollution issuesMake mandalas, chant/sing to rivers/make music, use Sound Bowls
Collect storiesCreate artwork, write poetry, read poetryCreate an impactful ceremony to demonstrate our anger, grief and sadness at the state of ouraround waterways andour love for all life.
toSharefeel theceremony with local authorities, politicians, other water usersenergy andengagepowerschoolsthey&cancollegesgiveSong of the Thames(YouTube 29min) by Sam Lee - singer and song collectorTraditional Native Storytelling -Salmon Boy(YouTube 12min) with Roger FernandesThe Lost Words Blessing- (YouTube 4min) a song created from Robert Macfarlane's book The Lost WordsWelcoming theRiver Wye Ceremony[YouTube 5min] at Herefordshire Council featuring Wye River Goddess puppetRunning order[Dropbox 1 min] for the Ceremony for the River Wyeyou.
Incorporate Blue Plaques for Nature
See thefreshwater species affected- more than 100,000 known wildlife species depend on freshwater ecosystem. And that's not counting the seas/oceansA QR code on the plaque could point to the history of the river/waterway.Find more details on theBlue Plaques for Nature page
Puppets, Masks and Costumes
Make a ‘big splash’ in your local media with colourfulpuppets, masks and costumes