Fishy Business

Watch how to make and use the Fish Stencil
So don't be Koi ~ let's get fishy with it!
We have a nifty set of instructions here and stencil files can be found in this folder.
What you'll need:
- A4 printer
- Tracing paper
- Rubber/eraser
- Cutting mat
- Scalpel and blades
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Masking tape
- 275gm paper
- Spray paint or foam roller
- Paint tray if using rollers
- For consistency use Warm Yellow or a colour close to it
- Mask
- Gloves
- Protective clothing
Montana Chalk spraysprays [such as Montana] are available. Prices vary but check out GraffCity and
moreMontana from:[cheapest at Suspect Package].
Nifty Instructions
There are three formats of files in the folder:
- use these files to print out the stencil and then cut out by handCity -
Laser Cutting - use this file with a laser cutter which will do the cutting for you
For Document - these are image files to show the stencil in Rebel Toolkit or other documents. Don’t use these to make a stencil.
Use the attached files to print out your stencil at the size you want. These can either be cut out of the printer paper and used directly (likely to be a one-off use) or used as a template to cut out of thicker paper or card - old wallpaper is a good material for durability, although it is hard to lay it flat. Try to leave a border around the stencil to prevent creating a shadow around where the stencil is placed.
If you have access to a laser cutter the design is provided as an .svg file from which you can use to cut the stencils, saving you a lot of time.
If you want a durable stencil, mylar film (PET - plastic) can be used, which can be cleaned and re-used many times. If using this you can cut just one stencil, cut the full stencil and then mask off unwanted areas like the rod or 'source' with masking tape before spraying.
Hold the can about 6′′ – 8′′ from the stencil and start spraying outside the stencil. Make a sweeping continuous motion across the stencil to the other side.
Don't spray too closely as the paint will pool and dribble under the stencil. Do some test sprays on a bit of scrap cardboard to make sure the can is spraying correctly and to get the feel of the can and the distance required to spray from.
When you have finished using the spray paint, to clear the nozzle, hold the can upside down and spray until only clear gas is released.
Wear a mask and gloves and read the hazards on the chalk paint can
- Rebels are asked to be mindful about where they paint the streets.
- Please do not damage private property or small and independent businesses as this can be seen as vandalism and might impact relationships within the community.
- Try and use materials which cause minimal damage to the environment.
- Some actions potentially seen as “vandalism” may have a high risk of arrest if private sector buildings are targeted. It is unclear what police reaction will be to some of these actions, so read the legal advice and take precautions.
What about spraying over existing artwork?
As a golden rule don’t not tag over other posters and spray tags as this could cause conflict. Organised fly-posters and graffiti groups can be territorial and could get violent.
LAW - Paint the Streets info
- You are unlikely to get stopped in the UK.
- The police are usually uninterested in chalking and flyposting unless you force them to take action by doing it under their noses.
- NOTE: Avoid taking or posting photos of anyone doing the work if they are potentially identifiable as it can be used as evidence against them.
What if I’m stopped?
- If you are stopped it’s more likely to be a member of the public, private security, or a police community support officer (who doesn’t have any more power than the others).
- The best response is normally to simply walk away. If this is not possible and you are ‘detained’ you aren’t obliged to say anything to anyone. This technically includes the police, though not confirming your details can increase the possibility of arrest.
[for more info]
Will chalk spraying get me arrested?
Symbolism of Fish
The Symbolism Of Fish: Exploring Different Cultures And Meanings ~ Erika Stephens