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Sources of Water Pollution 👷

Sewage Pollution

Latest figures show that raw sewage discharge into rivers and seas accounted for more than 3.6 million hours last year, an increase of 105% on the previous 12 months. Raw sewage contains a plethora of bacteria and toxins from human households. Fecal indicator bacteria like E. Coli and Entererococci are used in water tests to determine how sewage-puluted a lake, river or coastline is. Measuring these bacteria has to be done by sending a water sample to a lab.

Most sewage pollutions in the UK happen when the sewage treatment system becomes overwhelmed with rain water which then triggers storm overflows to simply spill the sewage and rainwater directly into rivers and beaches. All storm overflows (akaalso CSO)know as Combined Sewer Overflows - CSOs) in England are now fitted with monitoring devices generating data about the number ofnumberf spills and the duration of each spill. Data coverage in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is much more patchy. The data is then provided by the water companies to the Environment Agency and published once a year in spring.

There are several web sites which summarise this data in maps and graphs:

There is also a free app which sends out real-time alerts whenever sewage pollution impacts bathing sites:

Agricultural Pollution

WaterFecal po


Intensivepollution doesn't just originate from human waste, but also originates from animal waste when it leaks into rivers or is washed off farming fields where slury is used as fertiliser. High intensity poultry shedsfactories and other livestock units resultexcarcerbate this situation due to the large amount of animal waste they create.

Fertilisers of any kind, either animal waste or commerical fertiliser, are often washed off the fields into nearby rivers, creating a nutrient overload which significtly harms the rivers and connected eco systems. The River Wye for example has now reached a state of emergency. It is being killed by pollution, a cocktail of excessive agricultural nutrients (over 70%), sewage (22-24%), microplastics and superbugs. Find out more here.

The widespread use of herbicides and insecticides as well as antibiotics given to animals in highfarming levelstoday ofcreates pollutingfurther rununmeasured damage when it runs off frominto theirwater-based Farm slurry waste, insecticides and fertilizer run offsystems.

Microplastic Pollution

Fishing nets and lines dumped in water, degraded plastic containers resulting in polluting microplastic beads on coasts and on land.

Chemical Pollution

Toxic chemical waste dumped on land which gets into waterways. Waste from industry and house building. Road run run-off from tyres and petro chemicals.

includingHuman medicalantibiotics /drugsand pollutionhormonal contraceptives.

Radioactive Pollution

...Radioactive Tritium