Creating a crowdfunder
Chuffed is a fantastic way to raise funds, as long as you have a bank account to receive the money.
Setting up a Chuffed fundraiser
Chuffed makes money by taking a cut of the money that is donated. You can either set up the fundraiser so the cut is taken as a percentage of the money donated, or you can set it up so that the donordonors can decide how much to give Chuffed onin topaddition ofto their donation to your causeXR (including an option to give nothing at all).
Setting up a Chuffed account and your first fundraiser takes about an hour and Chuffed guide you nicely through the process. If you are nervous about this, then maybeconsider two people sitting together to dodoing the set up willwith feelsomeone moreelse comfortable.supporting.
You will need:
- a bank account,
- a named individual as the account contact
- an email account to link to the Chuffed account.
Have all this decided and ready before you start the set up.
Why do you need a Stripe account too?
As part of the setup process, you will be prompted to set up a Stripe account, as well as your Chuffed account.
Stripe is a platform that processes payments from debit and credit cards, Paypal, ApplePay GooglepayGooglePay, etc. Stripe sits invisibly behind Chuffed and manages the process that transfers the money from a donor’s account to your bank account.
This means that if you want to have a Chuffed fundraiser then you also need to set up an account with Stripe. You are prompted to do this as part of the Chuffed account set up process, so it is all made straightforward for you. It is Stripe, not Chuffed who will hold your bank account details.
Stripe and Chuffed are separate organisations.
Promoting your Chuffed Fundraiser
QR codes linked to online fundraisers can be a great alternative to a card/contactless device. They enable people who don't carry cash to donate, without the need for the group to have a card/contactless device. Get more info here on creating QR codes to link to your fundraiser.
Here is some guidance if you want to use links or buttons to crowdfunders in Action Network emails.
Further Support
If you need help with any of this - you can get support from the XRUK Fundraising team - contact us on our Mattermost reception ofor by emailing
Using QR codes to link to a Chuffed fundraiser
Here is some guidance if you want to use links or buttons to crowdfunders in Action Network emails.