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ToPrinciple truly6: "...we welcome everyone and every part of everyone"everyone.


This principle is our commitment to inclusivity. We want to make XR a comfortable and genuinely welcoming place for everyone.

We need to think about how we build inclusivity and accessibilty into our teams.teams We suggest as many exisitng people infrom the teamoutset. asHave possible,a but the integratorlook at least, read the following resources and think about what changes would makewhether your team could make changes to become more welcoming and accessible.

Disabled rebels

We use XR Principles of Inclusivity and Diversity & Inclusivity at Actions to provide for the needs of as many people as possible. See also the Inclusivity-disability Resources Pack.

There is a wealth of practical advice on the We are Everyone page of the toolkittoolkit.

Other marginalised groups

Principle 7: we actively mitigate for power.

Here are some ways we can try to balance out who holds the 'power' in our teams so that everyone's voice is heard:

  • weighting coordinating roles towards marginalised groups.
  • including issues and voices normally ignored in our meetings and messaging.
  • rotating who holds positions of responsibility.
  • embedding anti-oppressive practice into our training materials.
  • forging alliances with grassroots movements of marginalised people.
  • improving our awareness of personal privileges.
  • tackling harmful behaviour or language when it arises.

Exceptions to the rule

There are a few rare cases where you might not be able to include someone i.e. if their needs are beyond what you can reasonably meet, or if they risk causing harm to other people (see Inclusivity-disability Resources Pack‘Safeguarding’).

BIPOC rebels