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Templates for Volunteer Website Role Adverts

To format your role ad you can use something called HTML. If you don't use HTML for your ad then your text will appear as one long block of text which makes it hard to read and digest. To make things as easy as possible, copy the templates below, paste into the Volunteer Website, replace the links and text you need and your ad will look marvellous!

You need to replace everthing in caps and between square brackets with your group info and links. Remember to delete the square brackets. You can view how the ad will lookappear below each template.of the templates.

To replace links:

  1. find your group on the Organism
  2. select and copy the URL [address at the top of the web page]
  3. paste over the word LINK in the template
  4. find your parent circle on the Organism and repeat steps 2 & 3

Internal Coordinator - Template

<strong>The role can be shared between two people, reducing the time commitment necessary.</strong></p>

<p><b><font color="green">The [YOUR TEAM NAME] is a [FRIENDLY/ORGANISED/DYNAMIC ETC] team.</font></b></p>

<p>The key role of the Internal Coordinator (IC) is to ensure the team is healthy and achieving its mandate. To steward the team’s immediate and longer-term priorities, and to align its work with the strategy of the parent circle [ADD THE NAME OF YOU PARENT CIRCLE].</p>

Some of the IC tasks include:

<li> Proposing roles and projects the team needs to fulfil its purpose and accountabilities.</li>
<li> Supporting the work of role-holders and sub-circles, and reviewing their work at regular intervals.</li>
<li> Inviting people with relevant skills and abilities to join the team as required.</li>
<li> Maintaining an awareness of what is happening in the wider organism, and communicating regularly with the team’s External Coordinator.</li>

<p>For more information on the mandates for our [YOUR TEAM NAME], our parent circle [YOUR PARENT CIRCLE NAME] and the Internal Coordinator, please select the links below:<br></p>

<p><a href="YOUR TEAM MANDATE" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">[YOUR TEAM NAME] mandate</a></p>                                                                                          
<p><a href="YOUR PARENT CIRCLE MANDATE" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">[YOUR PARENT CIRCLE NAME] mandate</a></p>

<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Internal Coordinator mandate</a> NB click on the plus sign next to Internal Coordinator.

<p><strong>We look forward to hearing from you.</strong></p>
The above template will look like this in your IC Ad:

The role can be shared between two people, reducing the time commitment necessary.

The[YOUR XRUKTEAM TeamNAME] is a ***** teamfriendly and consists of

Thisdynamic team is integral to the success of XR!

The key role of the Internal Coordinator (IC) is to ensure the team is healthy and achieving its mandate. To steward the team’s immediate and longer-term priorities, and to align its work with the strategy of the parent circle [ADD THE NAME OF YOU PARENT CIRCLE].

Some of the IC tasks include:

  • BulletProposing pointroles and projects the team needs to fulfil its purpose and accountabilities.
  • BulletSupporting pointthe work of role-holders and sub-circles, and reviewing their work at regular intervals.
  • BulletInviting pointpeople with relevant skills and abilities to join the team as required.
  • BulletMaintaining pointan awareness of what is happening in the wider organism, and communicating regularly with the team’s External Coordinator.

For more information on the XRUK Team mandate, the XRUK Parent Circle mandate and the Internal Coordinator mandate, please select the links below:

XRUK Team mandate

XRUK Parent Circle mandate

Internal Coordinator mandate NB click on the plus sign next to Internal Coordinator.

We look forward to hearing from you.

More Info

For basic instructions on using HTML, we recommend using the 'Basic Syntax' page of the Markdown Guide.