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Broadcast Style Guide

See the Rebellion Broadcast or Movement Broadcast Telegram channelchannels for examples of messagewell-formatted formatingmessages

Content and Formatting

  • Keep messages short. Link out to further information. Check that linked documents or events are finalised and formatted.
  • Use CAPS in bold for the title of the message and don’t include emojis because they move around when shared across platforms or between phone & laptop view.
  • Be consistent in the name and image used for the event/action across all platforms - including Telegram and socials.platforms.
  • Use XR’s link shortener to make links shorter. (You’ll need a Mattermost account to create XR short links. If you don’t have one use TinyURL .)
  • Don’t use direct (embedded) links on Telegram, share the full hyperlink instead. (Messages are sharedoften across platforms that don’t support linking, so they can get lost. When messages are shared acrossshared-on to other platformsplatforms, theywhich canmay changenot linking.)
  • Close linked windows (the cross in top right corner of the message) to reduce the message length and make a neater visual.
  • Dont use italics! Dyslexia style guide and colour blindness info can be found here.
  • Where relevant, pleasemention mentionwhere people can find out more about physical accessibility around an action by including the line: "For access information and needs, contact".accessibility.
  • Don’t assume knowledge, for example make clear what abbreviations stand for.
  • Seek permission before sharing private numbers or email (and don’t share them as a rule otherwise).
  • Slow down & check. Your message will land better if the info is accurate.


  • Use CAPS in bold for the title of the message
  • Dont use italics. Dyslexia style guide and colour blindness info can be found here.

Using Emojis

  • Limit the use of emojis. Less is more! Be inclusive in your message format. The visual is as important as the content.
  • Don’t frame a message title with emojis unless you’ve tested it on different platforms. The emojis often jump lines when the message is shared to different devices or platforms (Android or iPhone, Signal or Telegram, phone or computer) and can end up looking messy, which is counterproductive and can put people off.
  • Just use one emoji at the start of a lineline, if you’re going to use them.
  • Use one space between image and emoji.
  • Consider inclusivity when using emoji skin colours for hands etc. If you want to find more Telegram emojis including additional skin tones check out emojipedia

Attaching Images

  • The dimensions for using an image on Telegram are 1920 x 1005 (the same proportions as a Facebook event header)
  • Check out the Rebellion or Movement Broadcast for examples.
  • Use one image in landscape format.
  • Don’t use an image unless it’s a good one, clear & dynamic with high contrast.