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Who are XR? And Why Direct Action?

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a worldwide movement which uses nonviolent direct action (NVDA) to force those in power to act on the climate and nature global emergency.
  • We have known we are heading for disaster for over 35 years.*
  • In the last 50 years carbon emissions have trippled.**
  • In the last 50 years monitored wildlife populations have decreased by an average of 69%. ***
Our governments have not protected us and conventional campaigning has failed. We are almost out of time to change course.

Direct Action (also known as civil disobedience) has a history of achieving change where other methods have failed; for example the Suffrage Movement gained the vote for women by their actions.

We act now for the sake of all life on earth. We aim to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse. We will not be led quietly to extinction by elites and politicians.

*In 1988, climate scientist James Hansen testified before the US congress, provoking the New York Times headline: ‘Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate’
**International Energy Agency 2024 report
***World Wildlife Fund Living Planet report 2022

More information:

Read our original Declaration of Rebellion
Learn more about the need for direct action on our website: So what do we do?