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Ensuring your Actions are accessible as they can be

There have always been disabled people engaged in political activities but never to the extent that they are today.
It is not possible or practical for organisers of demonstrations or certain other political activities to consider the access needs of all the disabled individuals who may want to take part.
Disabled people for their part equally need to understand that with Rights come responsibilities and this includes their own safety.
Nevertheless in order to be able to make informed choices as to whether or not they can participate, disabled people require as much information as is possible to give.

Disabled people would find it useful to know for example:
  • Details of a meeting place (nearest stations, bus routes, parking, etc)

  • Agreed route of the March and its length

  • Details of a rallying place (nearest stations, bus routes, parking, etc)

  • If disabled people are to form a separate contingent that the lead disabled people are able to liaise with identifiable stewards in case or changes in plans or possible emergencies.