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Principles Of Inclusivity

In order to build an inclusive approach towards involving all sections of society in the struggle to highlight the Climateclimate Emergence,emergency, it is necessary for XR to pay particular attention to five activity areas:

  • Organisation and running of meetings
  • The production of documentation – including leaflets
  • Accessibility of the XR websites
  • Accessibility of demonstrations and other activities
  • Good practices when communicating with disabled people

What is inclusivity?

An inclusive product, service or environment does not exclude any any section of society. Inclusive solutions consider all users and and participants, including disabled people, and is a positive step towards a holistic,  universal system.

The Principles of Inclusivity

  • Individuals have unique and particular needs in learning, social and campaigning environments.
  • Respect each individual’s right to express and present themselves relative to their religion, culture, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender-identity, identity as disabled people.
  • Promote inclusivity by reasonably adjusting procedures, activities and physical environments.
  • Focus on the learning or support needs of the individual without assumptions or labels.
  • Be inclusive in all forms of communication.
  • Serve all with sensitivity, respect, and within boundaries of social justice.

Disabled Rebels Network

For further advice you can reach out to the Disabled Rebels Network either on Facebook or by Email at

For more on power and privilege check out this page from the Trust the People workshop! It's full of great advice, activities and resources.