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Chat Etiquette for XR Group Chats

Here are a few Chat Etiquette Guidelines that are being used in XR Group Chats whether on Mattermost, Signal, Telegram or WhatsApp:

Mattermost Moderation Guidelines

You could copy and paste this as the basis of a group agreement on your chat - edit it to your requirements.

XR Chats Guidelines

🎯 Be clear about the purpose of the chat and how people join (private invite only or by public link). Add this info to the chat description. Be aware of where the invite links are posted, e.g. don't add private invite links to the Rebel Toolkit - spammers will find these and join your group chats.

πŸ“Œ If using Telegram, pin key messages and keep them updated. Or for other platforms put an info link in the header.

πŸ‘₯ Make sure you have several admins and moderators; preferably a small group who can support each other and make sure the chat is well moderated and kept up to date.

πŸ‘‹πŸΏ Welcome newcomers. Answer questions and make sure people feel heard.

❌ Avoid posting sensitive action info, naming organisers or any info which can later be used as evidence. Also be aware that infiltration is common on open chats, so don’t share anything that can be used against people as evidence.

πŸ“©Keep messages short and link out for more info (unless it’s a discussion thread). Take forward any issues via direct message or temporary small group chats.

πŸ™…πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ Block and report spammers.

πŸ₯± If a member of the group keeps posting off-topic messages or dominating the space respectfully ask them to stay on track, or switch to a more suitable channel. Create another space for them to be heard. If they continue, follow up with a direct message, or ultimately consider blocking them from the chat with an explanation. Mattermost Off-Topic channels are ideal.

❓ Answer questions and make sure people feel heard.

πŸ”₯ If people leave the chat in response to a post, this is a sign of overheating - slow down, pause and reflect.

♻️ Remind each other of chat etiquette, especially newcomers.