Our Structure
UK geographical structure
Principle 10. We are based on autonomy and decentralisation: we collectively create the structures we need to challenge power.**
Autonomy is at the heart of the XR Self Organising System. We have no 'bosses' or hierarchies of power, where one person or team can tell another how to do its work. Instead we use ‘hierarchies of purpose’ to help organise our teams.
Rather than consensus, which is slow and can easily get bogged down, we work by consent. Our system of mandates - of individuals and of whole teams - tells us what we can do. `
Any person or group can organise autonomously around the issues that feel most pressing for them, and take action in the name and spirit of Extinction Rebellion – so long as the action fits within Extinction Rebellion’s principles and values. There is no need to ask for permission.
XRUK has organised into Nations/Regions, each containing various numbers of Local Groups.
Local Groups are connected to their Nation/Region and in turn those Nation/Regions are connected together in a team called The XRUK Rebel Hive. Each Nation/Region elects their External Coordinator to represent them in the Hive.
The XRUK Rebel Hive also contains representatives from other XRUK teams and a representative for the various 'Community Groups' based on shared interest or culture rather than geographical location (e.g. Scientists for XR, XR Walkers). You can view and navigate these teams (called 'circles') on the XRUK Organism.