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Outreach Boards

Original document here

Citizen Survey Board for 3.5 Outreach

For more guidance on how to reach out to people or how to sign them up, read the 3.5 Volunteer Handbook.

Survey boards are a great outreach method and proved to be really effective and fun to use on the bus tour. Rebels have said that the boards can be an easy method to initiate conversations as people are curious about the boards and approach your stall more readily. We have presented two board design options below for groups to try.

B O A R D - D E S I G N S

#1: The Simple One

  • Pros
    • Easy to make
    • Straightforward and quick for public to participate in it
    • Easy for rebels to facilitate - does not require a lot of knowledge
  • Cons
    • Because it is a relatively quick and superficial engagement, it may be less intense or emotional so buy-in to take action as a result of the interaction may be less likely

Question 1 (First Panel)
How concerned are you about the climate crisis?

⇒ Either use a scale of 1-5 where 1 is ‘not worried’ and 5 is ‘terrified’, or 1-5 different choices, for example

  1. Not Worried
  2. Bit Uneasy
  3. Quite Worried
  4. Seriously Concerned
  5. Terrified

Question 2 (Second Panel)
Do you think that the UK Government is doing enough? (optional ‘about it’?)

⇒ Use a scale of 1-5 where 1 is ‘They’re hopeless’ and 5 is ‘They’re doing a great job’

Or just use the emojis from the template.

Question 3 (Third panel)
[For The Big One April 2023] Would you consider going to the Parliament in London alongside 100,000 other people (between/from) 21st-24th April (optional - ‘to call for an end to the fossil fuel era?’)

⇒ People add sticker if they are ‘considering’ and don’t if they aren’t (no need for Yes/No)

Optional text to print ‘sign up to our email list here..’ and ‘keep yourself informed…’

Possible additions - but keep things neat and tidy

  • Big QR code and link so people can sign up immediately (local group QR codes can be found here)
  • A date, place and time of your next event/meeting

#2: The Deliberative One

  • Pros

    • The questions are more open-ended with fewer obvious or ‘correct’ answers which can facilitate deeper and more genuine reflection and discussion
    • This deeper engagement with people’s concerns could lead to greater commitment to action
  • Cons

    • It might be trickier to produce the boards
    • The more open ended questions may require slightly more facilitation, active listening training is provided at the volunteer training sessions

Question 1 (First Panel)
How concerned are you about the climate crisis?

⇒ Either use a scale of 1-5 where 1 is ‘not worried’ and 5 is ‘terrified’, or 1-5 different choices, for example

  1. Not Worried
  2. Bit Uneasy
  3. Quite Worried
  4. Seriously Concerned
  5. Terrified

**Question 2 (Second Panel)**
Which of these climate impacts concerns you most? You can choose more than one answer.

⇒ Divide the panel up into sections where participants can place their stickers:

  1. Extreme weather, e.g. flooding, drought and heatwaves
  2. Political Instability
  3. Wildlife loss and destruction
  4. Energy crisis
  5. Food insecurity
  6. Pollution
  7. Other

Question 3 (Third Panel)
Do you think that our Government is doing enough?

⇒ Use a scale of 1-5 where 1 is ‘They’re hopeless’ and 5 is ‘They’re doing a great job’

Or just use the emojis from the template.

Question 4 (Fourth Panel)
How could we as ordinary citizens put enough pressure on our government for it to act more urgently? Choose the options that are most effective.

⇒ Divide the panel up into sections where participants can place their stickers:

  1. General strike
  2. Tax strike
  3. Petitions
  4. Get professionals/notables to sign open letter to MP
  5. Mass marches
  6. Lobbying together with a pressure group
  7. Take part in mass civil disobedience
  8. Creative stunts & actions

P R O D U C I N G - T H E - B O A R D S

We recommend purchasing white A1 or A0 foamboards that can be found from craft stores or online (approximately 1m x 70-80cm)

Files to print for the survey

#1: The Simple One

#2: The Deliberative One

#3: A colour version of a Citizen’s Assembly focussed board
Pdf to download here - you should be able to print these at home and carefully tile together to create the size you need for these boards.

Creating your own versions using the XR FUCXED CAPS as well as other fonts and symbols can be downloaded here.

We have suggested two ways to attach the boards together though you might find alternative methods that work for you.

Wooden Support

  • Two long pieces of board attached vertically to stand the boards up
  • Two shorter pieces attached horizontally to support the boards
  • These are attached using a staple gun or drill from the front (drilling through the white board into the wood


  • Use a hole punch a long the edge of the board and then use string to tie bamboo to each board

General Advice