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Content for livestreaming - What to talk about?

Before the action

Take some notes on a very small piece of paper (you don’t want to read from it, just write a few bullet points):

  • What do you want to talk about?
  • Have a few facts ready

During the action

🔹 Introduce yourself

You can start in ‘selfie mode’ (if you’re comfortable showing your face) then switch to your front camera (practice beforehand so you’ll know where the options are)

🔹 Facts

Share your facts sporadically (nobody will remember anything if you dump facts on them, have 2-3 facts ready that you can repeat & comment regularly during the livestream)

🔹 Describe the action

  • What’s happening? Where? Why?
  • What happened before (if you didn’t start the livestream at the start of the action, and also to let people who just joined the livestream know).
  • Comment, use humour, but don’t go off topic.

🔹 Interview

Interview people taking part. See this page to learn about interviews technics.

🔁 And repeat the whole process (for the viewers who missed the start of the livestream).


No swearing No jargon (or explain it) Non XR people will watch so try to have a ‘neutral approach’ Remind the watchers to share, comment, like