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Briefing photographers for an action

You will probably be taking photos for 2 main outlets - Press and Social media. Photos/video may also be useful for defence if a rebel is taken to Court.

Make sure to give a phone number that the M&M team can use to speak with you on the day, and that you know how to contact the M&M lead in case you have an issue with the folder / chat. If you have a media team working remotely don’t leave until you’ve checked they’ve got everything they need.

Make sure you have agreed with the M&M team how they're expecting you to share your content with them.

If you want crediting, identify your photos; & how you want to be credited. Organise this in advance. If no credit is necessary, M&M should use a credit, eg. “credit XR Nottingham”.

Sharing content with your M&M team

Ideally, your M&M team will set up a folder (and maybe a chat) where you can 'dump' all your photos.

All photographers should use ONE Google Drive folder and ONE Signal/Telegram channel or group chat (ideally the Live Action Content Telgram channel).

The Live Action Content Telegram is the default way to share your photos if you're at an action and there is no specific chat or folder to send your images to. Click here to join it.

Practice uploading to the folder / chat BEFORE the action.

Watch this tutorial to learn how to use Google Drive on your phone.

Tips for getting good shots

Set your camera to it’s highest video and camera quality (1080p is best). Check you have enough storage space, battery power & a clean lens.

For early morning / late night actions - use flash to get images of faces.

Landscape video and landscape photos are best

For Press

Speed is EVERYTHING. Send photos urgently to the M&M team. More beautiful / better resolution / tweaked photos won’t be used if they come in too late - send good, raw images as fast as possible.

Get images that:

  • Have the message of the action (eg. on-message banners, placards with good facts)
  • Have the call to action, eg. web addresses or hash tags etc on placards
  • Tell the story
  • Have as many faces as possible all in one shot (the "wedding shot")
  • Show the rebels who have given a quote
  • identify the town / area / target the action is taking place at (eg. recognisable place / logo of the target company)
  • have explicit permission to be used if they contain members of the public or children (ideally including name, age, area they live, job/role in the community)

Send photos of people with details if possible: name, age, area they live, job/role in the community.

For arrestees

  • Take photos / video of police actions, including arrests. If there is any chance of arrest, don’t leave until the rebels / police do!

For fundraising


For social media

  • You can take a bit more time with these images. Press may well use video if it can be edited very quickly (ie. top and tail).