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What is Rebel Ringing?

Rebel Ringers is all about our personal touch. It's a lovely way for rebels to keep in touch with the wider movement via real human interaction. A simple phone call, with a pre-selected script is impactful and empowering for you as a caller, for the person you call and for the movement as a whole when campaigns happen at scale.

Rebel Ringer volunteers made thousands of calls in the lead up to The Big One in 2023 alone. This team helped reconnect rebelsrebels, some who had not been active for a while, for whatever reason and steered willing activists to the information and resources they needed to get them to London's amazing 60,000+ people rebellion.

Rebel Ringing campaigns are crucial to mobilisation, because it's proven to work.

Rebel Ringers really enjoy this part of XR's work. As part of this team, you'll get to hear what other rebels are up to around the movement, share great stories, often create many new fantastic connections between rebels around the UK and keep our objectives rolling by keeping rebels feeling connected.

Rebel Ringing is a flexible way to help in remote XR work. Our 'phone pool'bank' of XR offers the chance for rebels to have laughs and meaningful conversations with rebels everywhere. We guarantee that chatting with receptive rebels can be one of the most rewarding jobs you will do. (Even those who don't want any more contact are polite!)

What makes this work so rewarding is that we only contact Rebels who are interested in finding out more about what's happening locally, regionally and nationally. Working with a party of ringers, or independently if you prefer, you will get full support to inform and engage as many people as possible about XR's activities and support as

You will need a phone with free calling minutes, a laptop or tablet, and a free hour or two. Work with others via Zoom, or call in ways that suit your schedule. We ask for an hour or two per week commitment. Every call counts...

Here's a 2 minute video made with one of XR's founders, Gail Bradbrook. Hear what she has to say about Rebel Ringing

Our Rebel Ringer Tools

  • Join our Rebel Ringers announcements Telegram channel for info on drop-in sessions and calling campaigns (This link may be updated any day soon)
  • We use a [Telegram channel for general support and chat](Invitation link to this chat: Bring your enthusiasm and questions so we all learn.campaigns.
  • For our drop-in and training sessions, we use Zoom.Zoom. This way we can get questions answered quickly and share information, or help debrief each other if needed between calls.
  • We use a Telegram channel for general support and chat which you'll get access to once you've signed up. Bring your enthusiasm and questions so we all learn.
  • Our scripts and contact lists are hosted on 'CallHub'CallHub which you need to run in your browser (eg Chrome, Edge or Safari) to log call detail.details.
  • We use our own personal phones to make calls and send texts, so volunteers need to ensure they have free calls and texts to do this work.

Signing up as a Rebel Ringer

It’s very important for us to protect the data of all our Rebels. To sign up as a Rebel Ringer, we ask you to fill in a form where you agree to abide by our Data Protection Agreement, as well as our Volunteer Agreement.

Once you’ve signed this Action Network form, an email will be sent to a Coordinator of your Local Group, who will be asked to contact us to vouch for you. If you don’t have a local group, please send us an email at and we will arrange a meeting or you can come to a drop-in session. If you can get another Rebel to vouch for you, who holds an official role, or is widely known in your area, allthat too!