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Zoom FAQs / Troubleshooting

Zoom meetingsSessions

Helpful YouTube videos on all things Zoom!

For help on accessing the Course Schedule & Checklist on your chosen device.

Do I need a Zoom account to access meetings?Sessions?

You do not have to sign up to a Zoom account to join meetings.Sessions. You can access Zoom by clicking on the Zoom link provided.

  1. Click the meeting invite link you received from the host (the meetingsession facilitator/ person who invited you to the meeting)you), for example in your email or calendar invitation.
  2. On your web browser (open up a new page from your internet browser, i.e. click on either Chrome, Firefox etc), a pop-up window will prompt you to open or download the application.
  3. In the pop-up window, click Cancel (do not download Zoom)
  4. At the bottom of the page, click the 'Join From your Browser' link.
    Note: If you don’t see the link to join from the browser, the host may not have it enabled and you will have to join athe Zoom meetingSession by opening the Zoom client (app) or downloading it first.
  5. In the pop-up window at the top-left corner of the screen, click Allow to allow Zoom permission for your microphone and camera.
  6. In the Your Name field, enter a display name.
    (Optional) Select the Remember my name for future meetings check box.
  7. Click Join. You will join the meetingSession as a guest.
    Note: If you would like to create a Zoom account and join via an account, advice would be to set this up and download Zoom at least 15 minutes before the meetingSession so it gives you time to set it up correctly.
  • That you have pop-ups blocked.

    • To fix this you need to go to the settings of your internet browser and is usually the same for all, look for 3 dots on the top right-hand side
    • Then click Settings → then Privacy and Security (Chrome) or Cookies and Site Permissions (Edge) and search for pops-up.
    • Once you have found the pop-ups setting, click to allow pops-ups.

    Try restarting and refreshing your computer.

  • Clear cache or browsing data

    • Settings → Privacy, Search and Services → Clear browsing (Edge)
    • Chrome - Settings → Privacy and Security → Clear browsing data (Chrome)

    I cannot find the email for the Zoom meetingSession for which I registered.
    Sometimes emails are directed to spam

    • Please searchSearch for ‘XR’, ‘ddat+hub’, foundationprogramme' in your Spam folder
    • Ensure the email address you have provided is correct.
    Using Zoom in a MeetingSession

    When in Zoom, how do I mute myself / unmute and manage other Zoom settings?
    Once logged into Zoom, you will want to ensure you are muted unless you are speaking.

    See below image of the settings available in Zoom

    In the above image you can see the Mute button on the bottom left-hand side of the Zoom meetings control panel.

    • Mute myself - click the Mute icon to ensure you are muted.
    • Unmute myself - click the mute button again to unmute.
    • Turn camera on - click on the Start Video icon (when clicked you should be able to see yourself).
    • Turn camera off - click on the Start Video icon again and you will no longer see yourself in the meeting and the video icon will be striked through with a red line.

    Notes on when to keep yourself muted

    • You need to be on mute unless you are asked by the meetingSession facilitator to unmute. This is because background noise can cancel out the speaker's voice.
    • In XR we use hand symbols to communicate to save ourselves speaking over one another, especially when there are many people on meeting callsattendees (more on this later :))

    When should I turn my camera off?

    • Generally it is best to keep the camera on as willthis helphelps with engagement on calls and feeling included.included, but do keep it off if that makes you more comfortable.
    • However, thereThere are times when it might be best to switch off, such as if you are eating or if something happens and it is not suitable for you to be on camera.

    How do I write in the chat?

    • Easy! - Click on the chat icon and a chat box will open either open in the middle of your screen or on the right side of the meetingSession window. In the chat box type the message you would like to send.
    • You can use the arrow in the blue drop down box to writeselect "everybody" or choose a messagename to everybodysend ora justprivte tomessage.
    • one
    • Then on the send arrow.

    What must I do if I want to speak?

    As mentioned earlier, to manage people speaking over one another, we have a method in XR meetings for communicating whilst on video callsZoom and these are also used for in-person meetings - soso, good to know!

    • One finger up - means that you would like to speak/ ask a question.

    Please note: - When you put one finger up to speak, you are added to a queue, as there maybemay be a few people at one time who also want to communicate.

    • Two hands up and wavy fingers- means that you are happy and in agreement with what has been said on the call (this is the British Sign Language sign for 'cheering').
    • Two hands down - means that you disagree or are unhappy with what has been said.
    • Floating both hands in the middle centre-line means that you are indifferent, do not mind either way.

    Note: - There will be more in-depth training on the course on hand signals during the Course but this is a very quick overview to give you a head start!

    If I can't make a meetingSession do I need to let you know?

    • If you have registered for a meetingSession and cannot make it, on theyour confirmation email of the meetingSession registration there ishas the option to cancel the booking.
    • If you cancel this will help us understand the numbers of people attending.
    • However, please do not email us directly to let us know if you have missed or cannot make a meeting,Session, as itour makesmailbox itis difficultnot toconstantly manage receipt of so many emails.monitored.

    Can I cancel my place in a meetingSession if I have pre booked?
    As mentioned in the previous question - if you have registered for a meeting/ training sessionSession in advance, on the confirmation email you will be able to cancel the booking in advance.advance on the confirmation email.

    If I miss meetingsSessions will I get another chance to go?

    • WithinSome the Course Schedule, some sessionsSessions are repeated or recorded throughoutwhile theothers month.can So,be ifbooked on later dates. For further information click here
    • We do suggest that you miss a training, you may have the option to attend again or watch the recording.
    • Planplan ahead and book sessions that suit your schedule.