Changing your personal details
Guidance to update details yourself
The Hub (Forums/Cloud) - shortYou descriptioncan herechange your personal details in My Settings - see Updating your settings.
To be removed from the Hub, Forums, Cloud and Mattermost altogether, contact your regional Hub Admin, post on Hub Help Desk on Mattermost, or linkemail
Mattermost - shortThe descriptionbest hereway to change your details on Mattermost, or linkbe removed altogether, is to relevantchange page
them on the Hub (see above).
If you are not on the Hub, but have a Mattermost account, you can ask to be removed by sending a direct message to @xradmin, @xradmin2, or @xradmin3 (you would have to join the xrGlobal team first). Or, more simply, email
Full data deletion requests
For full removal of your email address and other personal data, from ALL our services (The Hub, Forums, Cloud, Mattermost, Volunteer website, Rebel Toolkit, Rebellion Academy, CRM systems, The Vault and Action Network), contact