Creating Broadcast Messages on Mattermost
Broadcast messages on channels such as Movement Broadcast and Rebellion Broadcast have a specific style. Which is as follows:
- Image at the top which is relevant to the content.
- MESSAGE TITLE in Caps and Bold.
- Message text with Emoji’s where relevant (don’t over do the emoji’s).
- Where links are included the links should be shortened and underneath the relevant text, not beside it. This keeps the text more readable.
Example Message
Markdown used to create the message

Text of my message
:location_marker: Location Info
:date: Date / Time Info
:arrow_forward: Get more info [here:
Points to note about the above Markdown: The first line of the message is the in-line image, created using the Imgur platform and is broken down as follows:
- The ! At the beginning denotes an in-line image
- The [imgur] part of the line is the image Alt Text, and can be just left as [imgur]
- The () part of the line is the link to the image. You need to ensure the .jpeg is included.
More info can be found below on using Imgur to create a link to an image.
The message title has four hashes and a space before it. This makes the text a small heading.
There are two asterisks immediately before and after the message title. This makes the text bold.
Using the XR Link Shortener This is very self explanatory. You do need a Mattermost Account to use this.
Using Imgur image platform Imgur is free to use, but you will need an account.
Go to, login and click on New post.
Upload the image.
Click on your Avatar in the top right of the screen and from the menu select Images.
Click on the image you just uploaded.
In the Sizes section of the screen (shown above) choose either Medium Thumbnail or Large Thumbnail.
Then Click on the Copy button next to the Markdown Link.
Paste the copied text into the top of your message. You need to change the text to add an exclamation mark to the start of the line. Example below:

Click on the message preview icon (the eye) to check that the message text and image are displayed correctly.
More information on formatting messages in Mattermost can be found below.
Related Information
Guide to Formatting messages in Mattermost
Broadcast Comms Guide
Guide to help UK groups plan and deliver their comms:
Broadcast Style Guide
Follow XR design and stay formatted when crossing channels.
Here’s how: