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As part of Upgrade Democracy, we are organising what we hope will become the UK's largest-ever community assembly: the Massembly!

Bring your ideas and imagination, discuss these with others and decide together:

“How might we take meaningful steps to Upgrade Democracy?”

Let’s get our voices heard. Share this with everyone you know who’s frustrated and fed-up with how things are right now. This is deliberative democracy in action!

What to expect

We'll form groups of six and introduce ourselves. Each group will nominate a facilitator who will then take the group through the discussion using the Discussion Pack. One person then submits the group’s best three ideas to an online tool called allowing everyone taking part in the assembly to then vote on these ideas.

What if I can’t attend the in-person Massembly?

In addition to this in-person Massembly at Upgrade Democracy, we’re planning to run a simultaneous online assembly, to enable those unable to attend in person to still participate. If this goes ahead, further details will be made available soon.


Saturday 31st August, 13:00-16:00

Upgrade Democracy, Windsor (exact location tbc)

What to bring:
Pen/pencil/paper or some other means of taking notes (not essential) and a Smartphone (not essential, provided there are at least 3 within each group).

Further information and support
  • Stewards will be on hand to help everyone organise into groups of six and to distribute the sets of Discussion Pack.

  • An information Hub hosted by volunteers from the Community Assemblies Escalation Campaign and the Citizens’ Assemblies Working Group (CAWG) will be on site. Visit the Hub before the Massembly to ask questions and request additional support, e.g. request a BSL Interpreter to join your group or ask for large print versions of the Discussion Pack.

  • If you have specific requirements, e.g. needing a buddy, please email and we will support these where possible.

What happens next?
  • In the weeks following Upgrade Democracy we hope to run a series of online assemblies, using the same question and information. These will be scheduled for various days/times to maximise the opportunities for new people to participate and will be open to anyone in order to uphold the principle of radical inclusivity and to incorporate a broad range of ideas. Further information will be added here and on Rebellion Broadcast as it becomes available.

  • After the assemblies are complete all the ideas in will be made available to a much larger number of people, who in turn will be able to vote and add their ideas as well.

  • Through the combination of the in-person assembly, online assemblies and further use of, we will continue to increase the number of participants and the breadth and quality of ideas, so that we can collectively create the largest-ever community assembly in the UK!

Finally, we don’t want it to stop there
  • A summary of the results will be made available.

  • To build on the energy and excitement generated and the experience gained, a set of suggestions will be created for how to escalate and take the most popular ideas forward.

As a result, we can genuinely take meaningful steps to upgrade democracy!

Key info for Upgrade Democracy