The Snapshot
XR began with a promise, the pathway to which was laid out in our three demands - a mass movement capable of transformational, systemic change. This strategy is about going back to our roots, and leveraging everything we’ve learned to make that promise a reality.
Nearly six years on, and against all odds, Extinction Rebellion is still standing. Things have changed, because we changed them. We have changed, because things have changed around us. That is a demonstration of resilience and the power within us. But we are not just here to survive, we have a job to do.
The primary focusstrength of the movement in recent years has been on mass mobilisation and numbers, whereaslies in factits ability to build cultural momentum — the true lever for true, transformative change is cultural momentum.change. True uprisings comeemerge from communities, fromrooted foundationsin oftrust, relationshipsstrong basedrelationships, and collective, creative actions. Reflecting and learning on trust,everything we have tried, and fromwhat collectiveis andhas creativetaught, has brought this into sharper focus.
Our job is to bring collective non-cooperation to that wider audience, creating a mass movement of empowerment and hope that will not obey.
This strategy will be achieved through building community bases of power, creating actions that deliver dilemmas and contention, rekindlingreconnecting our creativecreativity spiritand NVDA and creating climate justice for each other.
Join us to discover our roadmap for the journey ahead, to spark and sustain a spirit of creative, nonviolent rebellion to disrupt and pressure the perpetrators of climate and ecological injustice and drive systemic change through equal participation in power.
Together, rooted in love, we are all we need.