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2024 General Election
THIS IS NOT THE CHANGE WE NEED The climate and ecological crisis, the cost of living crisis, war and conflict, racism and social injustice have been allowed to unfold due to a fundamentally unfit political system that has been pitting rich against poor, black...
Restore Nature Now (12 May)
XRUK OPEN CALL - RESTORE NATURE NOW Restore Nature Now is calling for urgent action to restore nature and tackle climate change in the UK. Saturday 22 June, Midday - 4.30pm Park Lane to Parliament Square All welcome! For access needs contact: wellbeing+drn@ex...
What are People's Assemblies?
Why do we use People's Assemblies? People’s assemblies are a structured way for a group of people to discuss issues or make decisions collectively, so that all voices are heard and valued equally, and no one person or group dominates the discussion. Extincti...
FAQs about People's Assemblies
How many people do I need to hold a PA? Ideally deliberation groups of 6 to 12 people and a minimum of 3 groups. However, they sometimes run with fewer people and the PA process can be used with several hundred and possibly over a thousand people. Where do I b...
How to run a PA- Step by step
This is the basic framework for creating and running a People’s Assembly. This ‘Quick Start Guide’ is essentially all you need to run an assembly. If you would prefer to work from a more rigid script than the description below, you can use the following: Scr...
Blue Plaques for Nature
What are Blue Plaques? The iconic English Heritage blue plaques commemorate a notable person who once lived in a particular place. This action mimics these historical plaques to honour nature... one species at a time. These plaques can be edited and tailored...
This guidance aims to give you the tools you need to maximise your impact and reach when delivering talks. Please note: The guidance refers throughout to ‘Sessions’. This includes talks, training and workshops. The guidance has been written for the benefit of ...
Preparation and Presentation
XR sessions are such a powerful and important tool, whether they are public-facing or for internal training. This might sound obvious, but it’s good to keep reminding ourselves. When delivering a session, it is important to give it your best shot! You are XR’s...
Housekeeping [Access & Inclusion]
XR meetings are run rather differently, due to our culture, and ideally all sessions ought to begin with Housekeeping - an explanation of meetings culture. If this is not possible, e.g. for reasons of timing, the points should be clearly displayed on a slide, ...
Check-ins, Check-outs & Regenerative Cultures Statements
Check-Ins and Check-Outs These are an important aspect of the care which threads through our Principles and Values. They are not compulsory for training sessions but, ideally, presenters should try to do check-ins as a way for everyone to connect with each oth...
Structure | Content | Aids
Structure of Training It’s helpful to break the session into sections, allowing for Q&A after each section. Make sure the sections flow well into each other. If the sections must jump from one topic to another, clearly state that one section has ended and the ...
Post Training & Follow-up | Feedback
Post-Training and Follow-Up Capture email addresses either via registration forms or using the chat box (check participants are happy to share with everyone or direct message you). Send follow-up emails ASAP and include the option for participants to feedback ...
Book a Zoom Session and Publicise Your Event
How To Book A Session On Zoom If you don’t have access to a paid Zoom account, please contact XRUK Talks & Training [T&T] via our Talks & Training Reception on Mattermost or email and we'll give you our log in. Once in the T&T Zoom, please ...
Guidance for using Zoom in Talks, Training and Workshops
How to log on to Zoom and select your booked session Access details are the same as those used for booking the session. REMEMBER to check whether you are already logged into another Zoom account. If so, you need to log out of that one to log into the Zoom acco...
Printed Materials
Outreach Many classic and event/action/theme related flyers, posters and stickers can all be found on the Outreach and Integration shelf here Principles and Values Poster To download a professionally printable pdf version, click on the image below. Declaratio...
Banners - printing and painting
Graphics for Banners Note: All artwork below is quarter sized Main road block banners Climate and Ecological Emergency Banner Red This is an Emergency Banner Red Life or Death Banner Black Empathy / No Food No Future / Food not Fuel Banners Templa...
Outreach Training
Growing the movement is a key task. Join our workshops to learn how to use outreach skills to engage and inspire the public into action. You don't need any experience or skills to participate in the workshops. If you've done outreach before and want to brush u...
Banking, Finance and Divestment
Resources collated from work by XR, Tipping Point and other organisations to help you access the information you need to plan your actions and choose your targets. Getting organisations to move away from fossil banks Focus on campaigning for organisations to s...
XR flyposting is putting up beautiful posters in public spaces to: advertise upcoming events promote our name establish our symbology in the public consciousness highlight our demands. Lots of information, resources and ideas are contained in the Paint the S...
Introduction- Why focus on Social Justice?
Climate Justice and Social Justice are inherently linked as the climate and ecological emergency threatens the existence of those most vulnerable in our communities. We invite you to join us in April & August 2024 for a month of solidarity and direct action a...