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Unsubscribe from your XR Email Lists

Requesting changes to your email list subscriptions

Search for the last XRUK email you recieved - use the link at the bottom that says 'View or unsubscribe from your XR email lists'.

This shows you ALL the lists that you are subsribedon. to and you can chooseChoose which ones to unsubsribe from.from E.e.g. Youyou may wish to remain on the XRUK list, but leave a Local Group list because you've moved househouse.

Updating your personal details
For all updates (except email address itself) go to the 2nd to last link on all XRUK emails 'Update your details (moved house/new phone no?)'

UpdatingNote: yourthis emaildoesn't address
automatically Tosubscribe updateto youra emailnew address,Local but keep all your current subscriptions, contact datateam@extinctionrebellion.ukGroup.

Subscribing to a new Local Group list If you want to contact to a new Local Group, use the Local Group Map

Updating your email address
To update your email address, but keep all your current subscriptions, contact