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How to get support for your action from XRUK (Actions Carousel and the Comms Request Form)

There are hundreds of action sa month across the UK. Supporting and promoting every one is practically impossible. The UK teams also have their own strategies, messaging and comms plans, so will always be on the look out for actions that feed into that.

XRUK can offer different types of support. Ideas, logistics, money, comms, etc.

Action Support (Actions Carousel)

To get support from the XRUK actions circles (Actions, Action Support, Production, Creativec, etc), bring your action to the Actions Carousel


Comms (Comms Request Form)

When it comes to comms, your action is much more likely to be promoted on XRUK channels if it is supported or "elevated" as a UK Action via the Actions Carousel.

Whether you follow that route or not, you still need to submit your action through the Comms Request Form.

Filling out the Comms Request Form is the most important step to getting your action promoted on XR's UK channels.

>>> Comms Request Form <<<

These are the channels you can request via the form:

  • Movement Calendar and Events Map: if you're organising an action, get it added to the calendar and map. This is the best way for everybody - existing rebels and members of the public - to find your action (the XRUK website directs people to the map). As well as submitting via the form, you can also speak directly to your national/regional calendar admin, or even learn how to add stuff directly. Find out more on the Movement Calendar and Events Map page.

  • Rebellion Broadcast: Our Rebellion Broadcast Telegram channel is for key info on UK-wide actions, strategy and other updates. Telegram, Mattermost.

  • Movement Broadcast: This is a second Telegram broadcast channel, for UK-wide events and training . Telegram, Mattermost

  • Press: The XRUK press team publish press releases on the website and contact journalists to it picked up by media outlets

  • Social Media: Instagram, X, Faceook, TikTok, etc.

  • Livestream: Events can be livestreamed on e.g. YouTube

Additional support you can request through the form

  • Spokespeople
  • Photographers
  • Videographers
  • Digital Rebellion (who can support with digital accompaniments to your action)