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Recruiting for your Action

Roles in the Action team

All rebels participating in actions should have agreed to the Rebel Agreement beforehand

Roles to consider within your Action Team

Attracting attendees

Both rebels and public need to be able to find out about your action. The Media and Messaging guides can help you to promote your action

Remember to add the event to the Movement Calendar and hence the Actions Map including specific meeting point details and a way of contact you for further details or even better, registering via Action Network so we capture potential new rebels.

It is a very good idea to check that your action is displaying correctly on the map and that the links work.

Think especially about attracting new people to your action: We want it to be as quick and easy as possible for new people to join us at actions. Here are some tips:

  • Keep it local - on outreach talk about the actions happening in your area
  • Make it Personal - Invite them to sign up to the action. If you can, phone them in advance, explain the plan and ask what they’d need to come e.g. info on legal rights, risk, toilets, access etc
  • Be welcoming - have someone greet them at the action - better still someone they'll recognise.
  • Help them be useful - find them a role for the day. Buddy them with someone more experienced.
  • Communicate clearly - marginalised groups in particular need to know what to expect
  • Grab the moment! - try to always have an action date lined up for the near future

Ten committed new people joining your next action is worth so much more than a thousand sitting on a mailing list!

Comunicating with the team

You will need to decide which tools to use for your coordination group and which tools for the wider attendees. Guidance on this kind of 'internal comms' is here