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Logistics: Looking after the safe handling, transport and storage of XR’s amazing list of action kit and equipment; literally bringing all the toys needed for any actionsactions.

Typically required when you haveor any team involved in the action has kit or assets to move around,around. dontLogistics forget to check with any support teams that their kit is catered for.

Coordinatecoordinates the flow of kit to and from site, so this involves knowing what is coming, where it’s coming from, how it’s getting to site, where it needs to be and assistwhen, withwhen siteit setneeds uptaking away and clearwhere downit’s eachgoing dayto.

allowing the roads to re-open at 8pm.

A team of volunteers is needed to make thethis planhappen happen!and Signorganising upand formanaging shiftsthese toteams drive vans, rideis a big part of logistics too. Logistics works with lorry van or car drivers, rickshaw or cargo bike riders, volunteers on foot loading and unloading, and shifting kit around by hand or with trolleys.

Check List for Logistics for a specific Action:

  • Have, and record a clear list of what is being supplied, where it’s coming from, how it’s arriving and where is needs to be.
  • Make sure everything is clearly labellled.
  • Make sure you know where things need to be returned to - quick and efficient site clearing is as important as the set up.
  • Keep encouraging volunteers… before during and after the event, you’ll likely need a lot of people to help move kit around and everyone works better when they feel needed and valued.
  • Make sure you have enough space in your transport, whether this is a truck, van or cargo bike trailer- underestimating space is worse than having some spare room for the inevitable extras that will arrive.
  • Know when to say no. If you don’t have the capacity to move or bedeliver partkit whether this is due to lack of ourfunds, vitalresources setor upvolunteers, andbe strikecommunicate team. Help usthis to createyour ateam sightas tosoon beholdas withyou acan.
  • leave no trace trail.

Warehouse Information

A Layout of the main warehouse and lists of what is held there, plus other UK locations in this spreadsheet

Help and Support for Logistics

I you have any questions about logistics please contact the production team at: we are happy to help via email, arrange a chat or zoom meeting or lend support as needed. The production team manage the Warehouse in London which has kit available for use on actions, and subject to availability the production van is also available for use on XR Actions.

Join the Logistics Team We are always looking for new members to join our friendly team. We are spread across London and the regions and are keen to build a production network across the UK. When the time comes for the next big rebellion we want to connect production crews across the UK to work together on a decentralised plan involving all regions. Email to get involved or connect up from your area.