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What is Action Wellbeing?

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Action Wellbeing supports the physical and emotional wellbeing of everyone involved in XR actions. Look out for us in our blue hi-vis. In our teams we also have qualified First Aiders who wear green tabards.

WeAction Wellbeing provide water, hand warmers and snacks (chocolate!), as well as a listening ear and a friendly smile. Rebels come to us for all sorts of things, including: information on the nearest toilets, rain protection, conversation, blankets and pillows, warm tea, songs and chants, support during arrests and countless other useful things! We promote self-care, people-care and Earth-care.

Designated First AidAiders are typically needed whenwhen:

  • over 50 attending,people orare attending an action
  • the action is a high physical risk environmentenvironment.

Wellbeing is typically needed whenwhen:

  • arrests planned,are longerlikely
  • an action may last for a long duration
  • actions,
  • larger numbers attending,of certainlypeople are attending

Wellbeing is essential for lockons,actions glue,that occupationsinclude lock-ons, glue-ons, or occupation.

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