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Outreach on Citizens' Assemblies

Idea:Citizens' Come to the table

CA Table 2.png

Near your constituency office or place of power, set up two tables, about 3m apart.

A sign in front of the first table reads: ""Politicians argue to score points and represent the interests of lobbyists"

Seat 2-3 people dressed in suits on both sides of the first table, representing politicians They should argue with those seated on the opposite side of the table. 1-2 suited people stand behind them and occasionally hand them a document or note. These are lobbyists or funders, telling the politicians what they should say.

A sign in front of the second table reads: "In a citizens' assembly, participants listen and deliberate together, and represent the interests of ordinary people."

Seat 5-6 people dressed normally around the second table so that they are not sitting on opposite sides. They represent assembly members, and they should respectfully listen to each person in turn, and then discuss amongst each other. A facilitator should be at the table assisting the discussion.

Idea: CAAssembly Stall

CA Outreach - Tate.pngALT-TEXT-HERE

We'd love you to hold an outreach stall at a community event or XR action!

We can provide help and resources:

  • Leaflets
  • Banners and bunting
  • Demographic placards with information about proportions of people around the UK (this also works well printed onto fabric and used as bunting)
  • Volunteers from our CA team who can help on the day

Email us to let us know your plans, and which of the resources above you are interested in!

5 people stand and talk around a large pink table adorned with XR posters and Citizens Assembly leaflets

Idea: Street Talks

A street talk is a great way to engage people about Citizens' Assemblies.

This talk is designed to be given:

  • by any rebel
  • with no speaker training
  • with minimal preparation; just read out if you don’t have time to learn it
  • for a group of listeners
  • within a regenerative approach - pauses to breathe and allow absorption; slow down for added meaningful impact and absorption

Remember, this talk will be many people’s first experience with XR: Be open, kind, respectful.

Great in conjunction with an outreach hub or an action.

If you need more guidance on giving this street talk contact Mattermostthe citizensCitizens assemblyAssembly working group on Mattermost or email

Guidance for Speakers
Download as Google doc

Citizens' Assembly Street Talk - 2 and 5 min versions
Download as Cloud-Cloud OnlyOffice doc or Google doc

Idea: Build momentum by organising a community assembly

A community assembly in your area is a great way to build relationships at a local level, give people a taste of deliberative democracy, and grow support for a UK-wide Citizens' Assembly for Climate and Ecological Justice.

To learn more see the community assemblies pages. These pages also contain a form to submit to tell us that you are planning a community assembly.

To learn more about how community assemblies work and help build support for a UK wide Citizens' Assembly you should watch the Introduction to the Community Assemblies Escalation Plan (90 minutes)