Community Assemblies
Community Assemblies provide a way for people to organise locally and to experience the power of deliberative democracy to make progress on the issues that are most important to a community.
To choose our future, mitigate power and empower our communities, Community Assemblies are a powerful tool. This book gives you all you need to get the best from your experience.
Your Community Assembly can also demonstrate how XR's third demand for a Citizen's Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice could work. Locally organised assemblies empower ordinary people to open converations with allies about our Third Demand, and to talk to their politicians and local or unitary authorities on the opportunity for creating change via a Citizen's Assembly at a national level.
Community Assemblies can:
👥 Show what more inclusive democracy looks like
🤝 Strengthen our local alliances by collaborating with other organisations
👔 Keep up the pressure on politicians by inviting them along!
What Are Community Assemblies?
A community assembly is local people hearing, deliberating & deciding about local issues that af...
How to Organise and Run Assemblies in Your Community
This manual outlines the various steps that you can take to run a community assembly in your loc...
The Three Pillars of Community Assemblies
The three pillars of Community Assemblies which support supportive and empathetic interactions ar...
Creating a Team
“I can’t change the world on my own, it’ll take at least three of us.” - Bill Mollison Below, we...
Connecting with the Community and Allies
Relevant teams: Alliance Building, Outreach and Integration Before you attempt to bring a communi...
Assembly Framing, Scope and Topic
Relevant teams: Your local group and ally organisations The exact framing and scope for the assem...
Assembly Planning
Choose the venue Assemblies are usually held in public spaces like town squares or outside promi...
Community Assemblies - a Quick Start guide!
Script For In-Person Community Assembly
This script has been written to help you organise a community assembly. Please note that this scr...
Resources to Run an Assembly
Local Group Pack Why run an assembly What to think about before launching your assembly What tr...
5 Step Escalation Plan
The Vision Imagine a plan to make sure the interests of people and nature are taken into careful ...
Massembly Resources
Massembly Links
Thank you for taking part in the Massembly Please follow the links below to the following resourc...
What happens next?
We hope that you have enjoyed taking part in the online assembly, and experiencing first-hand wha...
Summary of Massembly Results: 31st August 2024
Here are the results from Saturday 31st August's in-person and online Massemblies. Over 450 peopl...
Summary of Massembly Results: 15th October 2024
Here are the results from Tuesday 15 October online Massembly. We discussed the question: "How ca...
Have your say via voting is currently closed. Extinction Rebellion UK is developing our own platform....
Online Assembly
As a continuation of the Massembly in August, we are organising a further online assembly on Sund...
Watch This Space! In the meantime keep in touch with your Gardener, if you have one in your regi...
Additional Learning
More Resources If you are seeking one to one advice on how to organise or run your assembly, one ...
General and Devolved Elections and Assemblies
Extinction Rebellion as a movement is non-party political; we use the phrase 'Beyond Politics' to...
Escalatory Potential in a Run Up to Elections
The Bigger Picture Community Assemblies are part of a bigger plan for Extinction Rebellion and th...
Elections Action Pack
Upgrade Democracy Time It’s time to harness the despair and feelings of betrayal, to re-establish...
Example Questions for Candidates
Example Questions for Party Candidates in Local or National Elections How have you voted on envi...
Resources From Non-XR Organisations
The links below give you an idea of other political campaigns and organisations that may be infor...
Influencing Political Elections
We know that politics is broken and that many rebels refuse to engage in elections, but during hi...